
You Probably Didn't Know That Your Insurance Covers These Situations

But most importantly it offers you peace of mind!

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Insurance is one of those things you know you should buy, but it just never seems to be your priority right?

Plus, it can just be SO mafan. Whether it’s a stranger following you around a shopping mall trying to push you to sign up or an old school friend who calls you up unexpectedly, nobody enjoys dealing with these situations TBH.

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But the truth is, having insurance is really important because it offers you peace of mind and the knowledge that if anything happens, you and your loved ones are protected

While none of us ever wish for bad things to happen, sometimes it's simply out of our control. In these situations, it's important to know what your coverage entails and what benefits you are entitled to.

As a general rule of thumb, we are eligible to insurance provided the incident is not due to our own negligence.

Let's break it down in the simplest terms:

Travel Insurance - so much more than just damaged luggage!

Ok let's be honest, how many of us actually buy travel insurance? Less than 35%, according to recent surveys! It may seem like an unnecessary added expense that could be spent on your holiday. Did you know that with Tune Protect, it only costs as low as RM20 for a maximum coverage of RM1,000,000? You absolutely should make this small investment. 

On top of coverage for lost or damaged baggage, flight delays, and missed connections, insurance offers you peace of mind while you travel.

Check out what else it actually covers:

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1. When you miss your flight
When you miss the confirmed scheduled flight due to disruption of the public transport service, you are entitled to a certain amount from your insurance.

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2. When your house is broken into
Did you know that if you're away from home, your travel insurance will cover damages to your home in the case of robbery? So you don't have to worry while you're on holiday!

3. When you cancel your own trip
With travel insurance, in the event of you or a family member getting hospitalised due to either illness or accident, you can actually receive monetary reimbursement under trip cancellation benefits.

4. Medical coverage in your home country
Medical costs are on the rise, and they're especially pricey if you need medical treatment overseas! Just imagine paying in USD or pounds...

If you fall ill or meet with an accident during your trip, not only will your travel insurance cover the medical costs in that foreign country AND possibly cover the cost of an emergency medical repatriation back to Malaysia, you'll also be able to receive follow-up treatment back in your home country! 

That's full coverage both during and after your trip :O

Motor Insurance - it's not just car accident coverage

You probably already have motor insurance. But do you actually know what it covers?

1. A daily cash allowance
If your vehicle is damaged or currently undergoing repairs, you're eligible to claim for a daily cash allowance. With this, you just have to pay a bit more lah!

2. Compensation to your passengers
Did you know that with a simple add on, you insurance policy will cover passengers too? In the event of an accident, you can claim compensation for your passengers with regards to bodily injury and even death, which falls under legal liability of passengers. If an accident is due to your negligence as the driver, you also have the optional coverage for legal liabilities.

Hope this guy has good motor insurance.

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3. When your car is damaged by other forces
On top of coverage for accidents, you are also protected for special perils. This includes loss or damage caused by natural disasters such as floods, storms, earthquakes, landslides, and more.

You are also protected if your car is damaged by people involved in a strike, riot, or civil commotion.

PA Insurance - what even is this?

Many young working adults don't even know what PA insurance is, let alone what it covers. PA insurance stands for personal accident insurance. It provides protection against the consequences of big accidents that seriously impact the physical and financial aspects of your life. 

With medical costs getting higher, it's a really smart move to invest in PA insurance for yourself.

Here are the top four benefits you can expect to claim:

1. A payout in the case of accidental death to sufficiently cover your loss
It's a bit morbid but this is important for you to know. In the case of an accident that leads to death, your family (or whoever you put as a beneficiary) is entitled to a lump sum payment.

If you are the main breadwinner and providing the most for your family financially, this is an easy way to protect your loved ones from suffering financially without you.

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2. A payout in the case of accidental disability
If an accident leaves you disabled and unable to continue working or generating an income, then you are entitled to a lump sum payout. 

Disabilities covered depend on your policy for some examples are loss of limbs, loss of sight, and loss of hearing.

3. Receiving benefits that cover medical expenses
How much you receive depends on your policy, but it's usually within a certain time frame, and covers the expenses needed to treat injuries due to an accident.

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4. Receiving a daily allowance during hospital stays
Regardless of your actual medical bill, you'll still receive a fixed daily cash allowance while admitted in the hospital due to accidents.

So should you get PA Insurance?
If you or your family are dependent on your income, this is an insurance policy that is strongly recommended as you receive financial protection in the event of an accident. Another benefit is that premiums tend to be much lower and payment is made just once a year, rather than on a monthly basis.

Fire Insurance - even if you're renting, you can claim benefits

If you didn't have PA insurance on your radar, you definitely haven't given fire insurance a second thought. The thing is, fire insurance doesn't just cover homeowners, and it actually covers more than just... fire. It's an important coverage for everyone to have to protect you from misfortune.

Check out some of the benefits you receive from fire insurance:

1. When your property is damaged 
On top of coverage for fire, you can also claim benefits for lightning strikes, explosions, bursting or overflowing water tanks and pipes, and more. Also, you are covered for loss or damage incurred by natural disasters.

2. Receiving benefits with regards to rent
Did you know fire insurance will cover any loss of rental if you're a property owner? So you don't have to worry about wasting your money on a mortgage every month on a damaged home!

And if you're just a tenant, fire insurance will cover the rent that you owe the property owner, and even cover additional expenses in rent if you need to move to a different property. 

3. When you're trying to re-build your property
Rebuilding a damaged home is going to take a LOT of money. Fortunately, your insurance will actually cover some of the fees. This includes removing debris, as well as architect, surveyor, or consultant fees.

For the full list of benefits you can receive with travel, motor, PA, and fire insurance, check out Tune Protect.

At the end of the day, the most important benefit we get from insurance is the security that we are covered in the event something happens

That’s why Tune Protect is a super awesome way to get the coverage you need…
because you can do everything online! Not only is it easy, fast, and convenient to get coverage, you’ll also be doing yourself a HUGE favour in the event of an accident.

Protect your travels, your personal accidents, vehicles, and home with just a few clicks of the mouse.

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Not only can you buy insurance online efficiently, you can also claim it online too! All you have to do is fill out simple claim form online and you'll receive your compensation once it's processed.

*Terms and conditions apply.

Find out more here!

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Learn more about the benefits you can claim from your insurance with Tune Protect now!