
15 Things That Are 100% More Syiok To Do In Genting Weather

What do you call a cold ghost? Casp-burr!

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1. Road trips! You can wind down the window and enjoy the breeze...

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2. ...or go for a drive in a convertible like you always see in the movies

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Let that hair down and create your own chick flick moment!

3. Eating steamy, hot steamboat or spicy curry fish head

This applies to basically to any other yummy soupy Malaysian dishes. It's like a warm hug in a cool weather.

4. Going for outdoor activities like hiking or jogging, and not end up all sweaty and icky

No more using the "it's too hot" excuse.

Before you go on your next hike, have you made sure you have all the right equipment? Check out these Lazada coupons for a new backpack or some new shoes to ease that walk.

5. If you're not into physical activities however, snuggling in bed is like bliss

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The cold weather is like natural air-cond y'alls. It's glorious! Just be careful not to end up sleeping allll dayyy.

6. Eating a mint and then sucking in all the air!

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It's like snowing in your mouth and it's THE BEST!

7. Walking out of the club after some intense dancing and getting your crunk on

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It might be getting hot in thurr, but you'll cool right down when you walk out. Who wants to look like a hot mess?

8. Playing an intense game of chess

Nobody will see your sweat trickling down your face.

9. Eating ice-cream... no, seriously!

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Lower temperature = less melting = less mess = MAXIMUM ENJOYMENT :D

10. Wearing super cool angmoh fashion...

You'll never be able to get away with wearing leather jacket in the hot weather. Just no.

11. ...which means bye-bye shaving! #longpantsdontcare

If you can't see it, it doesn't exist, amirite? ;)

12. Having a picnic and not feel like you're being roasted alive

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No need to worry about finding that perfect spot under the giant tree to shade everyone from the sun. Let's not even go there with the falling leaves...

13. Feeling cool and looking cool while doing some sightseeing

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Ain't nobody got time to be sweaty and grumpy while doing some sightseeing.

14. Waiting for your hot, fresh, out-of-the-oven baked goods to cool down

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Because all you care about is eating them now now NOW.

15. Also, you can get away with not washing your hair so often ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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No sweat = no grease = no need to shampoo hair!

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Rock that second day hair, everyone!

As syiok as all these things are, they're even better if they're shared experiences with your fellow buddies a.k.a partners in crime!

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Next time you're thinking of what to do for the weekend with your kakis, let this group of friends show you what you can get up to with only 48 hours in Genting:

Whether it's eat, play or do, get ready to have a blast in chilly Genting! With rooms available from RM50 onwards, what other excuses do you have? Seriously, book yourselves a room now HERE.

However, if you're unlucky and stuck in the scorching weather, we've got some hot (har har) tips for you: