
This Elderly Couple's 'UP!'-Inspired 61st Anniversary Photo Shoot Sums Up True Love

Their love story, that only grew stronger over the years, makes for a perfect #FeelGoodFriday.

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Sixty-one years ago, when Dorothy and Donald Lutz got married, there was one conspicuous absence as they recited their vows: the wedding photographer… he never showed up

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And while they can’t go back in time to right that wrong, granddaughter-in-law and event planner Lauren Wells made sure that they would have a photo album worth envying

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So together with her friends — Boston-based photographer Cambria Grace and Caroline O’Donnell from Wild Folk Studio — the trio put together a 61st anniversary photo shoot inspired by the Pixar movie ‘Up!

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Wells brought the props, O’Donnel the floral arrangements, Grace the photography expertise and Donald and Dorothy brought the most important ingredient: themselves — and all dressed up for the occasion to boot.

The photo shoot was held on a bridge and featured colorful balloons, bouquets and vintage suitcases

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It’s touching, beautiful and likely the envy of every elderly couple who will have the chance to see it.

The beautiful photos show Nina and Gramps still very much in love after all these years and are an incredible testament to their strong bond and devotion to each other

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Lauren says the two are inseparable and “have never taken their rings off, remain the best of friends, and have just one picture from their wedding day” because “their photographer stood them up!”

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While the couple admits neither of them had seen the cartoon tale of lifelong love, the theme was picked based on Donald’s signature bowtie and smiley-face pin, a token from his days as a Brookline educator

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Donald met Dorothy, then a waitress at a Randolph luncheonette, while he was on a break from the Army

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The two wrote letters until Donald returned from the service, and he said he knew “pretty early on” that she was the one

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Lutz tucked an engagement ring into a box of chocolates, proposed on Cambridge Common, and the two were wed shortly thereafter, on July 20, 1952

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The couple settled in Randolph, where they lived and raised their family for 55 years.

It was a picturesque story. Too bad there weren’t any wedding pictures.

Looking back, Dorothy recalls that — photos or no photos — she got the best gift of all that day, more than 61 years ago

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“I was more excited about being married to the one that I loved very much,” she said. “That was the main thing.”

View some pictures from the lovely photoshoot below

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Their love story is a beautiful testament to love. Their story and now the subsequent photos serve as not only an inspiration, but a reminder that true love really does exist.

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