
Malaysians Share How To Own Your Confidence This Chinese New Year

Aunties and uncles got a lot of questions for you? Aiyahhh, no need to worry wan!

Cover image via Alvin Soh & Christine Wong

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CNY is a time to celebrate with your loved ones. But for some, it can also be a time that's pretty stressful, especially with family members and all their tough questions. :')

Whether it's about your career, your relationship, your appearance, or anything else, you may have those uncles and aunties who throw hard-hitting questions that can really shake your confidence, right?

But don't worry, you're not alone! Many Malaysians have had their fair share of dealing with these issues, and found their own ways to boost their confidence, while discovering a new part of themselves along the journey.

In collaboration with Garnier's Suara Generasi Baru campaign, we asked these Malaysians to share how they plan to own their confidence this CNY, and here's what they said:

1. "I wear something that makes me feel comfortable, physically and emotionally"

Image via Christine Wong

"I always personally struggle with being constantly fed during CNY, then immediately after being told, 'Wah, actually you got fat also!'

"But honestly for me, the snacks are too delicious for me to care. After years of letting what people say get to me, I discovered that one of the best ways to approach CNY is to make sure I feel comfortable.

"That's why I pick out clothes that I feel good in. I also always wear my favourite red lip colour, because I know I look good in it."

"And I realise that looking good is not just about my appearance, but also about my attitude. I choose to be confident and happy, and that makes me shine brighter."

- Christine Wong, 28 years old

2. "I'm not going to let anyone dim my shine this CNY"

Image via Zedwhy

"I know I can slay anything I put my mind to. I don't need to fit into anyone's standards of beauty, because I’m already beautiful in my own way.

"To me, beauty is subjective, and I'm the only one who can define it for myself."

- Zedwhy, 25 years old

3. "I decided to embrace my eye bags and even make them a fashion statement"

Picture used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Monstera Production/Pexels

"I used to be very conscious of my eye bags, especially after staying up late to work or watch Netflix, hehe.

"I would always try to cover them up with concealer or sunglasses, but I realised that they are part of who I am and what I do.

"This year, I've decided to embrace them. I found some cool eye masks and stickers that I can wear during CNY to add some fun and flair to my look."

"Throughout this process, I've also learned to take better care of myself, by getting enough sleep and drinking more water."

- Lee Mei Ling, 26 years old

4. "This CNY, I'm gonna get myself a new hair colour that reflects my personality and mood"

Picture used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Airam Dato-on/Pexels

"My relatives used to gossip and judge me for my hair choices, and I stopped doing it for a while because it affected me mentally.

"But I realised that living for others is not worth it. I have discovered more about myself and what I truly value. I have learned to embrace my uniqueness and celebrate my differences. It's my hair and my life, and I should do what makes me happy.

"This CNY, I'm gonna express myself and get a new hair colour that reflects my personality and mood, and I'm not going to let anyone's opinions get to me.

- Wong, 25 years old

5. "Who says dark makeup is depressing? It's beautiful and bold."

Picture used for illustration purposes only.

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

"CNY is the perfect time for me to dress up extra and show off my OOTD and looks on social media.

"But I hate it when people judge my makeup. Some of my older relatives always say that my dark makeup is too depressing.

"They don't understand that it has nothing to do with my mood or happiness. It's just my personal style and preference.

"I have found my own way of expressing myself and being confident in my choices. Also, I have learned to ignore the negativity and focus on the positive feedback from those who appreciate my makeup."

- May, 27 years old

6. "As a sports person, I have always embraced my uneven skin tone, especially on my face and neck"

Alvin Soh (Right)

Image via Alvin Soh

"Every CNY eve, I have to deal with the stereotypes and comments from some of my relatives and friends who come over.

"They say things like, 'Eyy why you so tan leh, use sunscreen or try this skin product, Alvin, it will make you fairer.'

"I personally don't like people giving me advice on my skin, plus I don't like applying chemical products to my skin.

"I love the way I am, and I don't let their criticism affect me. I know I'm healthy, fit, and yes, handsome too with the skin I have."

- Alvin Soh, 25 years old

7. "I'm not gonna let the questions get to me, 'cause I know good things are worth the wait"

Image via Loo Fang

"Every CNY, I have to face the same questions from some of my relatives, like 'When are you getting married?' or 'What are you doing with your life?'

"They make me feel like I'm not good enough, like I'm running out of time.

"But this year, I'm not gonna let them get to me. I'm gonna enjoy the delicious food and the quality time with my family.

"After all, my prince charming is still busy climbing some tree, I guess. But I know good things are worth the wait, hehe."

- Loo Fang, 26 years old

This CNY, Garnier wants to remind you not to let anyone tell you how to live your life. You have your own voice, and you can show it off confidently to the world!

You don't have to conform to anyone's standards or expectations. Whether it's your fashion, your beauty, or your attitude, you can own your confidence and celebrate your uniqueness.

And with Garnier, you can be the voice of the new generation that doesn't let anyone tel you what to do or how to be.

That's what Garnier's Suara Generasi Baru campaign is all about — discovering your uniqueness and celebrating your choices. It's time to show the world your true colours and encourage others to do the same.

Garnier also understands that everyone is different, and offers a range of products that let you express your personality

Whether you want to brighten your skin with the Garnier Light Complete Vitamin C Booster Serum, or change your hair colour with the Garnier Color Naturals, you can do it easily and affordably with Garnier.

But that's not all. Garnier wants to hear from you too! Just use the hashtag #GarnierSuaraGenerasiBaru and tag @garniermy on your social media posts, where you can showcase how you use Garnier products to express your uniqueness and confidence.

So whatchu waiting for? Join the Garnier's Suara Generasi Baru campaign today and be part of the movement that celebrates your individuality and your choices!

To learn more about this campaign visit Garnier's official website, Facebook and Instagram!

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