
9 Questions You Should Be Prepared To Ask At The End Of A Job Interview

And one that you probably shouldn't. :/

Cover image via SAYS

"So, do you have any questions for me?"

Out of all the questions a job hopeful has to answer, the one above - usually asked at the end of an interview - is probably the most underestimated of them all.

A job interview goes both ways - you're not just there to answer questions from a potential employer, it's also an opportunity for you to ask questions so you can be sure that the company is the right fit for you as much as the other way round.

Image via Time to Break

While there may be countless questions you can ask, the key is to focus on what you want to find out about the position, your employer, and the company you're interviewing for. Here are some questions you could ask:

1. What are the day-to-day responsibilities expected of this position?

In addition to demonstrating a deeper interest in the position, learning about the responsibilities and expectations of the role you're interviewing for will give you a better idea about what the position entails on a daily basis so you can decide if it's a job you want and have the skills to succeed in.

2. What are the important skills and qualities that would make an ideal candidate for this job?

Having the employer state exactly what they're looking for in a candidate could often lead to valuable information that's not included the job description or has not been covered yet in the course of the interview. This is your chance to learn about the job's expectations and to show that you can meet them.

3. Do you have any concerns about my resume / skills and qualifications?

This is a bold question that might put you in a vulnerable position, but it could also show that you are confident enough to openly bring up and discuss any weaknesses you might have with a potential employer.

Image via Gaspix

4. What does success look like in this position?

Besides showing a potential employer that you are a go-getter who cares about their future in the company, this is a great question to help you gauge how job performances and success is evaluated. Here's where you can decide if the company's management style aligns with your values and if you're well-suited for the position.

5. What is the typical career path for this position?

Asking this question will reveal how the position can evolve and how career advancement works in the company. The answer to this question will also help you figure out if the position is simply a dead-end or could act as a stepping stone to something bigger within the company.

6. Can you tell me a little bit about the team I'll be working with?

Besides showing that you are interested in getting to know and getting along professionally with the people you might potentially be working with, asking this question will also tell you a fair bit about the company or team culture and how well you will fit into the dynamic.

Image via Supergrove

7. What do you like best about working here?

Instead of outrightly asking "what is the company culture like?", this question allows the interviewer to share their opinion on a personal level and will most probably give you an insider's insight into the company's culture in addition to what you already know about its mission statement and overall vision.

8. What opportunities will the company be focusing on in the next few years and how would a person in this position contribute to those goals?

Asking this question shows that you think about the bigger picture, that you intend to stay with the company long-term, and that you are eager to seize opportunities to make a lasting impression.

Alternatively, you can also ask about the challenges the company is facing in meeting those goals as well, to help you uncover issues in the industry where your skills could come in handy.

9. What are the next steps in the interview process? / When can I expect to hear back from you?

An essential question to wrap up the interview, this shows that you're interested in moving along the process and eager to hear their decision. It might even prompt the interviewer to tell you how many people are in the running for the position.

Wait, what about the salary and benefits of the job?

The traditional recommendation is to NOT ask about the salary or benefits just yet, especially if it's the first meeting and you're a fresh graduate looking for their first job. Instead, wait for the hiring manager or HR representative to bring it up... or until you are in the final steps of the interview process to negotiate.

However, some have argued that job hopefuls should ask about the salary and benefits package upfront so as to not waste their and the company's time if the offer on the table does not match their expectations.

Now that you have an idea of what questions to ask, good luck with your interview(s), job hunters!

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