Introverts Are Never the Quiet Followers of Extroverts
Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts is one of the best guidebook for introverts to thrive in the world of extroverts. Being an introvert myself, I find it frustrating when people tend to associate introverts as being anti-social, unfriendly and shy. That's a misconception. Introversion is really about having a preference for quiet, for less noise, for less action. However, the biggest misconception about introverts is that they cannot thrive in business and leadership. Now, here are all the sources compiled on the power of introverts and introverts' guide to success.
Famous and Outrageously Successful Introverts
Abraham Lincoln and Emma Watson have something in common. So do Eleanor Roosevelt and Christina Aguilera.
huffingtonpost.comIt has long been believed that the natural leaders of our society were the extroverted types, those that were– outspoken, sociable, and decisive. Those that were quiet, a bit more passive and less sociable – the introverts – were thought of as people who were only suited for behind the [...]
forbes.comIntroverts at Work and Business
If your open-concept office is driving you crazy, it could be because you're an introvert.
huffingtonpost.comThe best leaders are the charming, outgoing types, right? As an introvert, of course, I analyzed this to death--until I discovered it's not true.
inc.comMost leaders are attracted to the guy or woman who seems confident and outgoing, unafraid in any situation or facing any challenge. They expect an extrovert to infuse any team with energy, to push ahead on projects and to motivate colleagues to do their best work. Meantime they have [...]
forbes.comPortrait of an Introvert: Getting to Know One
Think you can spot an introvert in a crowd? Think again."There’s a word for 'people who are in their heads too much': thinkers," notes Susan Cain, author of "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That ...
globalpost.comThese are fun ways to describe how introverts are, really.
buzzfeed.comIf common stereotypes have anything to say on the matter, it's that introverts are socially awkward loners who abhor large crowds and don't like people very much.