
This Isn't A Photograph But A Hand-Drawn Portrait By A Malaysian Artist. Yup, She's Genius

Monica Lee is carving a name for herself in the hyperrealism art scene with these amazingly vivid artwork.

Cover image via Monica Lee

"It was amazing what an hour with her sketchpad could do for her mood. She was sure that the lines she drew with her black marker were going to save her years of worry lines in the future." - Victoria Kahler

This quote describes artist Monica Lee's life perfectly. While it took her decades to realise her passion for art and drawing, a part of Lee always knew that drawing will always be that one passion that would give her the ultimate satisfaction and happiness in life.

Growing up, drawing was something that served as more than a hobby for Monica. While speaking to SAYS, she lit up, talking about how, even as a child, she knew that her dream was to become an artist in the future.


Image via Monica Lee


Image via Monica Lee

Monica spent years of her life, thinking that her love for drawing wouldn't be enough to make a career out of it as she was convinced that she didn't have the talent to go with it

Monica holding one of her drawings, titled 'Sebastian'

Image via Monica Lee

After spending most of her childhood and teenage years doing what she loves the most, drawing, at the tender age of 18, like most well performing Malaysian students, Monica opted for a science course, Pharmacy as her undergraduate degree.

However, fate had its own agenda panned out for Monica. A year into her Pharmacy degree, this young artist decided to follow her heart and passion, so she quit her degree.


Image via Monica Lee

Knowing full well that art is something that is ingrained in her, she joined Malaysia's The One Academy art school for a major in 3D animation.

Following graduation, Monica joined her father's photography studio and spent the next 12 years of her life as a digital imaging artist with her father, putting a halt for her love of drawing.

The year was 2013 and after 12 years of digital imaging, Monica decided a break was in order for her.

What happened next is what changed Monica's life as she knew it; she discovered Instagram.

Images on Instagram on hyperrealism

Image via Instagram/ #hyperrealism

Through this image sharing application, Monica found profiles of other artists and their amazing work got her inspired to draw again.

Discovering both renewed passion and talent in her drawing, Monica quit her job and finally, became a full-time artist


Image via Monica Lee

Monica's drawings are what we know as hyperrealism, which is an art form that recreates high resolution photographs, paying special attention to minute details in the photographs


Image via Monica Lee

"When I first came across hyperrealism, I was totally blown away by it," added Monica

Image via Monica Lee

Not only was she thoroughly impressed by this form of drawing, but it also led to Monica making up her mind to focus on hyperrealism for her drawings.


Image via Monica Lee


Image via Monica Lee

Drawing inspiration from great artistes such as Dirk Dzimirsky, Paul Caden and Emanuele Dascanio that are famous for their hyperrealist artwork, Monica spoke about how her father's photography profession further immersed her in the world of hyperrealism

'Blacksun' by Dirk Dzimirsky

Image via Dirk Dzimirsky

'Transference' by Paul Cadden

Image via Paul Cadden

'Study for St. Agatha's Head' by Emanuele Dascanio

Image via Emanuele Dascanio Painter Artist

To create her breathtaking artwork, Monica uses photographs of portraits, still life and animals and specifically exaggerates every single detail on the photos in her drawings.

If you think the source of inspiration in the form of photos would make it any faster or easier to complete the drawings, then you would be surprised that a single drawing can take up to three months to complete

'Rhino' took Monica three months to complete

Image via Monica Lee

"I have an obsession with details and I am a perfectionist by nature," said Monica.

This, she says, lead to her habit of ensuring that every single detail is drawn neatly and precisely in her artwork.


Image via Monica Lee


Image via Monica Lee


Image via Monica Lee


Image via Monica Lee

Where can you buy Monica's beautiful artwork?

Monica at an International Art Exhibition in late 2014

Image via Monica Lee

If you are interested to buy Monica's masterpieces, you can either get in touch with Monica or the Mandala Fine Arts Singapore to purchase your preferred artwork.

P.S: We know you want to, look at the vivid details in these drawings!


Image via Monica Lee


Image via Monica Lee

'The Great Hornbill'

Image via Monica Lee

'The Macaws'

Image via Monica Lee

If you love Monica's artwork, then this Italian artist that has his art "leaping off" the pages is sure to impress you:

Adding humour to their comic drawings, these Malaysian cartoonists are taking over the local arts scene with their witty comic strips:

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