
[VIDEO] How Much Do Malaysians Know About Their Sunblock?

Know what SPF stands for?

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Is a sunblock with SPF50 enough to protect your skin?

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As Malaysians, we have a few questions about sunblock. When choosing the correct SPF, should we only buy sunblock above SPF50?

Do you only use sunblocks with the highest SPF?

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The higher the number, the better the coverage. Right?

And what does "SPF" stand for anyway?

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We tested our colleagues' about their sunblock knowledge. Watch how they did:

According to an aesthetic practitioner, an SPF50 sunblock is good enough to protect your skin from harmful sun rays

Image via NIVEA

NIVEA Sun SPF50 is one of the best sunblocks in the market that can protect you against harmful ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. These are the the type of radiation that can cause sunburn, and sometimes cancer. 

On top of that, the sunblock is able to moisturise your skin and prevent wrinkles that are usually caused by frequent exposure to sunlight. 

Find out more about NIVEA Sun SPF50 here

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