
Man Tattoos Barcode On His Arm & Successfully Uses It At Gas Station & Convenience Store

Permanent convenience.

Cover image via Dcard

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Every person is on the lookout for methods to make their lives easier and more convenient.

However, one man in Taiwan seems to have taken a step that could really be going the extra mile.

A recent post on Taiwanese social media platform and blog, Dcard, has garnered massive attention for the sheer humour and audacity of one man's decision.

Publishing images to accompany his message, the man displayed a new tattoo he got — an e-invoice app barcode on his forearm.

According to his caption in the post, the user stated that he wanted to tattoo the barcode of his e-invoice app account on himself because he found it inconvenient to constantly whip out his phone whenever he needed to make payments.

Image via Dcard

The user even uploaded videos of himself testing the barcode out at convenience stores and a petrol station

Listing three videos, the most humorous part of the clips were the scanning each worker had to make on his forearm using card skimmers.

They ended up beeping each time, with the amount paid actually showing up on the automated screen at the cashier's table.

Screen grabs of the user purchasing items using the e-invoice app barcode tattoo.

Image via Dcard

Here's a video of the user paying for petrol at a gas station:

Mentioning the tattoo artist who aided him in getting the artwork done, the user was forthright in saying that getting the right designer was crucial

"Thank you to my tattoo artist for doing this and helping me realise this crazy idea," he wrote. He even attached the Instagram page and post of the tattoo artist for users to check out.

Ending his write-up, the user mentioned that it is of extreme importance to find a tattoo artist who can draw the barcode on with precision, to make it as similar as possible to the actual e-invoice app code.

A simple miscalculation in the lengths of each barcode line could even render the work unusable.

Despite an overwhelming flow of compliments and praise in the comments section, the tattoo artist warned users against getting barcode tattoos on their skin.

"The lines will fade over time, and the barcode will not be functional anymore if you were to get it, please think twice!" the caption wrote.

Nevertheless, the post has maintained its virality online, with thousands of people pouring in to praise the work

Despite the praise, one commenter echoed the same sentiment about the potential of its longevity, or lack thereof. "If any of the lines in the barcode become thicker or thinner, you won't be able to use the tattoo. The artist is great, though!"

Another person praised the work, saying it was super cool. "I also want to get one! But I don't have the courage to get it done," they said.

Image via Dcard

A couple of other users even offered temporary alternatives over permanent tattoos.

"I think it would be more convenient to make tattoo stickers. That way, you can just paste it on your arm for a short while," said one user.

Another person said stickers may be the way to go, and asked if any manufacturer could get it done.

Image via Dcard

Nonetheless, a few others couldn't help but make some jokes at the expense of the poster. 

"Can you still use the barcode in the tattoo if you gain or lose weight?" wrote one person.

"The real question is, can you get a tattoo of your LINE ID QR code in the future?" asked another in relation to the text exchange app.

Image via Dcard

Click here to read the original post on Dcard.

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