
This Mother Has Been Attending Her Son's Gaming Tournaments For Three Years Without Fail

Mums, they would do everything and anything for their kids.

Cover image via MyGameOn

For the past three years, a retired company secretary has been going to her son's gaming tournaments without fail

Chang and his son Eric.

Image via MyGameOn

Local eSports portal MyGameOn recently spoke to Katherine Chang, the mother of Eric Sia Sze Pin a.k.a Qaspial, a professional League Of Legends (LOL) gamer. Eric currently plays for the Kuala Lumpur Hunters (KLH).

Chang first saw her son in action at the 2015 Legends Circuit. Since then, she made it a priority to attend all upcoming tournaments and contest involving Eric.

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Chang believes her presence will "directly or indirectly influence his emotions and performance."

"I also believe that this gives him the inner strength and helps boost his positive mentality," she told MyGameOn

While craving a career path in gaming is often discouraged by most parents, Chang is optimistic that Eric will do well, saying that his hobby-turned-career is actually a "blessing in disguise"

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"In my opinion, as long as he has an interest in it – he will surely make it no matter the obstacles! Plus a hobby that turns into a career is actually a blessing as this allows him to fulfil his full potential."

Chang's aspiration is to see Eric on the world stage, competing against teams from other countries.

When asked how she would explain Eric's career to other parents, Chang said she would usually tell them that gaming is an "electronic sport" that could be included in the Olympics

Chang and her family.

Image via MyGameOn

She added that Eric would've been an accountant if he hadn't become a pro-gamer. 

As Eric grows and becomes better at his craft, Chang noticed that her son has matured mentally and is now better at handling finances and different responsibilites

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"I am really happy and proud of his character and attitude towards the family. He is the son whom I’ve spent the least in his education and personal expenditure as he has enough savings and he insists on only using his own money."

We wish you all the best in your future tournaments, Eric! :D

Image via Giphy

You can read the full interview here

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