
Study Shows 75% Of M'sians Don't Have Good Oral Hygiene. Here Are 4 Easy Ways To Improve

It goes beyond flossing and brushing your teeth.

Cover image via Joel Mott (Unsplash) & Superkitina (Unsplash)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Sensodyne.

Did you know that maintaining good oral hygiene can also affect the overall health of your body?

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When it comes to oral health, many think it either has to do with having fresh breath or flashing a winning smile, which is more appearance-based. We tend to forget that our mouth is the ultimate gateway into our body, which means that bacteria from our mouth can easily travel to other parts of our body, putting us at risk of contracting diseases.

This is probably why you often hear professionals urging you to brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and pay a visit to the dentist at least twice a year.

If you have not been practising flossing or brushing your teeth twice daily, you're not alone. It is estimated that 75% of Malaysians are unaware of the need for good oral health. Yikess! >.<

Due to negligence of good oral health habits, nine out of ten adults experience periodontal diseases and dental caries.

In case you didn't know, periodontal diseases occur when your gums or the bones that hold your teeth together are weak, inflamed, and swollen looking. Whereas dental caries, also known as cavities, develop when bacteria in the mouth destroy the hard tissues of the teeth, making your teeth weak and more sensitive.

According to World Health Organisation (WHO), in The Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, oral diseases affected close to 3.5 billion people around the world, with caries of permanent teeth being the most common condition. Woahhh! :O

Another shocking fact is that 7 out of 10 Malaysians suffer from tooth sensitivity, based on a study conducted by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare*. Of this, 32% have experienced sensitivity symptoms, such as discomfort when brushing their teeth, and when eating or drinking certain types of food or drinks, but they were unaware of the condition*.

*GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Sensodyne SEAT Quantitative Research – Malaysia Market Session. September 2021.

Oral hygiene is not only brushing your teeth! Here are four other habits you can practice to avoid getting oral diseases:

1. Cut down on sugary and acidic food

We know, it's easier said than done. The main cause of cavities is due to these types of food. Sugar will convert into acid in the mouth, which wears down the enamel of your teeth and leads to cavities. The next time you choose to indulge in desserts, carbonated drinks, tea, or coffee, try not to go overboard with them.

If you feel like you've consumed a high amount of sweet food, brush your teeth after 30 minutes of eating or drinking them, as brushing too soon will damage the enamel layer of your teeth. 

2. Use the correct technique to brush your teeth

Do you remember how back in school, dental nurses would teach us how to properly brush our teeth by demonstrating with a set of ginormous plastic teeth and a huge toothbrush? 

If you were not paying attention back then, you should brush up on the correct method. You should move your toothbrush gently in circular motions so that all the plaque is removed. It should at least take two minutes to fully clean your top and bottom teeth. 

3. Make sure to use toothpaste that contains fluoride

Fluoride is the main defence against tooth decay. Besides that, it also helps to fight germs by removing plaque and preventing cavities. However, too much fluoride can also risk your health, but the amount contained in toothpaste is generally safe if the person uses it as advised. It's always best to read the label of the packaging for the recommended amount of toothpaste to use or seek advice from your dentist.  

When we eat sugary or acidic food and beverages, it demineralises our teeth, causing tooth sensitivity. But, because fluoride is a natural source of minerals, it can help strengthen and protect one's enamel, as well as relieve the pain that comes with having sensitive teeth.  

4. Visit the dentist regularly

Image via Freepik

The recommended amount of time to visit the dentist in a year is twice, preferably once every six months. Doing so will allow your dentist to keep a close tab on your dental health and pick up on any abnormalities.

However, if you notice anything out of the norm, such as a tingling or uncomfortable sensation when eating and drinking certain foods, it's best to immediately consult a dentist about it. Tooth sensitivity and other symptoms are best treated early on, before they develop into something more serious. 

If you're looking for a toothpaste that can clean your teeth, protect it, and help relieve tooth sensitivity, then Sensodyne has got your back!

Sensodyne Repair and Protect contains NOVAMIN, which builds a layer of protection over vulnerable areas of your teeth. With twice-daily brushing, you'll be able to enjoy all types of food without any discomfort while also fighting cavities.

Plus, they also have other different variants that are targeted to what your teeth needs. You'll be sure to find your perfect match!

Want to learn more about caring for your oral health with professionals? Catch Helo Doktor Gigi, a mini-show which will help address different concerns.

The weekly ten-minute show will be aired on TV3 starting 14 November. 

Have a look at the first episode: 

Head over to Sensodyne's website to find out more information on their products and learn more about oral health!

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