
People Are Already Making A Mess At The Newly Opened 24-Hour Bookstore In Cyberjaya

Guys, we can do better than this.

Cover image via Twitter @SyarahBasirah

Judging from the crowd at Bookxcess' newly opened outlet over the weekend, the 24-hour bookstore is shaping up to be a prime hangout spot for bookworms

Having opened its doors on 31 May, Bookxcess' new outlet in Tamarind Square, Cyberjaya is the first 24-hour bookstore as well as the biggest in the country. 

Besides selling books at 50% to 80% off its regular price like its counterparts, the store also houses a cafe, event spaces, as well as reading nooks not unlike the ones you'd see in a library.

However, it would seem that some Malaysians still have a lot to learn when it comes to civic sense in a public space. In a tweet that has gone viral, tables in the bookstore were laden with books haphazardly left behind by visitors.

Some books were also taken out of their packaging, as evidenced by the plastic wrappers strewn all over, despite the store having provided display copies for customers to browse through

Apparently, some people also left behind their empty water bottles and disposable food containers. face palm

In her Twitter thread, Syarah pointed out that she posted the photos to show how irresponsible some people can be and hopes that it will inspire them to change their ways

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The photos has been retweeted over 7,000 times at the time of writing, with netizens putting their two cents in over the situation

Image via Twitter
Image via Twitter
Image via Twitter

Seriously, guys. Doesn't matter if you're in a bookstore or a fast food restaurant, let's not leave a mess behind and expect someone else to clean up after us, okay?

Image via Comedy Central

If you've always dreamed of staying in a bookstore all day err day, Bookxcess' outlets in Tamarind Square, Cyberjaya and The Starling, Damansara Utama are the places to be:

Meanwhile, in Penang, this library is keeping its doors open 24/7 for night owls:

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