
[PHOTOS] The 20 Hard-Core Obstacles Urban Warriors Braved Through In The #ViperChallenge

From jumping over burning, hot coals to wading through muddy waters and sliding through sand dunes, these Urban Warriors have passed the ultimate survival test in 2014's Viper Challenge.

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In case you missed it, thousands of fitness junkies and newborn runners took up the Viper Challenge over the weekend (1 and 2 November 2014) at Sepang International Circuit

For the uninitiated, the Viper Challenge is an obstacle course challenge featuring 20 unique man-made obstacles planted across a 20.79km course.

Viper Challenge will be THE marquee obstacle-based community challenge in the region, the first of its kind in South-East Asia. Designed to test both heart and spirit of the 21st century urban warrior, stampedes of people will have to go through over 20 unique large-scale man-made obstacles, across a 20+ km course. Crawling through mud, scaling heights, battling fatigue and overcoming fears will give you the most unique outdoor experience you have ever had.

Urban Warriors (a.k.a. participants) were made to crawl through mud, scale heights, and climb over walls in order to survive. Intrigued? Check out the obstacles the Warriors had to brave through:

1. A larger variation of the tyre obstacle course, the Tyre Run

2. You've heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge, but that's chump change compared to the Ice Jump Challenge. Yup, not only do they have to jump into the ice pool, they have to swim through it!

3. Hang onto the metal nets, or you'll find yourself immersed in muddy waters. Or just swim through the obstacle, that's fine too.

4. The Mountain Dew obstacle required participants to hold on to that narrow piece of plank to scale across the board... if you don't want to end up falling into the muddy puddle, that is.

5. Warriors have to get on their elbows and knees to get through the Barb Wire Crawl

6. Up next, participants have to climb over a pyramid of haystacks. Looks simple, until you get close enough to see how high up the stacks are.

7. If you're not covered in sand and mud by now, this obstacle will make sure of that. Dubbed the Hill Slide, participants have to slide through the sand dunes to beat the obstacle.

8. In what is probably the most terrifying obstacle out of the 20, Warriors have to prove their mettle by jumping over burning, hot coals

9. For those who have managed to avoid falling into muddy waters so far, too bad. They have to wade through the Trench Pool anyway.

10. Time to put those rope-climbing lessons from Pendidikan Jasmani class to good use in the vertical wall climb challenge

11. After traipsing through mud for the first half of the obstacle course, getting sprayed with water while going through Obstacle #11 must be a refreshing change

12. They don't know it yet, but this is just the first of many walls participants have to scale and climb over

13. This is one inclined wall no one can go through without solid teamwork. Leave no man (and woman) behind!

14. A shorter wooden wall acts as a reprieve for participants... until they see what lies ahead

15. Wrapping up the third quarter of the course is the final wooden vertical wall obstacle

16. It's not just about holding on to the rings, participants have to retain a certain momentum to get through this obstacle without falling into the pool of 'teh tarik kurang manis'

17. Another trek through a muddy trench pool before the last three obstacles of the day

18. Jumping onto floating red pillows is not as easy as it seems to be. Of course, having friends to help you hold on to the next pillow can kinda prevent you from falling into the water. Again.

19. So, you think you can fly? Warriors do not only have to climb over the net. First, they have to make the jump over the muddy trench to get to the net!

20. This is it - the very last obstacle to overcome. To complete the challenge, Warriors have to run up the ramp, catch hold of the rope, climb over and voila!

Congratulations, you've completed the challenge! Participants who managed to survive all 20 obstacles are given a nifty medal, a certificate of participation, a "Finisher" T-shirt, as well as an epic story to tell their family and friends about taking on Asia's biggest obstacle challenge.

Are you an adrenaline junkie? Check out SAYS' guide to doing extreme sports in Malaysia HERE:

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