
11 'Made In Malaysia' Products That Might Surprise You This New Year

New year, new Malaysian products to try, hehe! ;P

Cover image via 7-Eleven (Provided to SAYS)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Promosi Buatan Malaysia.

From stocking up on snacks to munch on at work, to buying drinks that'll help us stay awake during our commute, we Malaysians simply can't live without our convenience stores

Offering snacks, drinks, made-to-order beverages, hot food, and more, convenience stores in Malaysia have evolved from a last resort pick-me-up, to a place we actually look forward to stepping into.

In fact, some of us even rely on convenience stores to the point where we visit them multiple times a day, and even do our grocery shopping there!

But one thing you’ve probably not realised is that most of your favourite snacks are actually made by local brands!

Here's a list of popular convenience store items you probably didn't know are actually 'Buatan Malaysia':

1. Munchy's OatKrunch

Munchy's was named as Malaysia's number one homegrown biscuit brand, according to a survey back in 2017. In fact, the brand has actually been around since 1992, woah!

While Munchy's OatKrunch is a relatively new offering, it's become a staple in office pantries, and it's the perfect little pick-me-up to get you through the day.

2. Super Ring

Image via Oriental

You've probably seen Super Ring go viral, thanks to K-pop group Blackpink. But for most Malaysians, the snack is something we grew up with. It definitely brings back childhood memories each time we end up with cheese-powder-covered fingers.

3. Mamee Monster

One of the most iconic Malaysian snacks, Mamee Monster has been around since 1974 —  that's almost 50 years, woah! Every Malaysian has memories of eating Mamee Monster as a kid, and most of us still love grabbing a pack whenever we're a little peckish.

4. Beryl's Almond Chocolate Bar

If you thought Beryl's was some atas chocolate brand from overseas, they're actually from Malaysia! But they definitely know how to make a good, decadent chocolate bar. <3

5. Mama Vege's Self-Heating Curry Rice

Image via Carousell

You're probably familiar with self-heating hot pot packets from China, but did you know Malaysia also maju already? Mama Vege's Self-Heating Curry Rice comes with a steamboat box that prepares you a homecooked meal like your mum's in 12 minutes!

6. 100PLUS

Arguably one of Malaysians' favourite isotonic drinks, 100PLUS is always a good choice whenever we're browsing the soft drinks aisle or fridge.

7. Himalayan Salt Sports Candy

These sports candies went viral a couple of years ago, and were the creation of local businessman Kenny Low, who wanted an easier way for sportspeople to get their sodium intake.

An interesting fact is that Himalaya Salt Sports Candy came from the same company responsible for creating Big Foot Lollipop and Big Foot Plum Candy.

8. IT'S to-go drinks

If you've ever seen these colourful cups of takeaway beverages, they're actually made by popular coffee brand Aik Cheong, under their range of to-go drinks, called IT'S.

9. Corntoz

Something we can proudly claim to be local, Corntoz is an addictive snack that's perfect for every occasion, from parties to movie nights. Launched in 2008, Corntoz is known for its baked-not-fried corn snacks and eccentric brand personality.

10. HURIX'S Gamat & Madu Plus Drops

In case you didn't know, HURIX'S is a Malaysian brand known for their cough and flu medicine, as well as their throat-soothing drops. They've been around for over four decades, and are local market leaders in producing herbal medicines and healthcare products.

11. Boom+ Isotonic Vitamin C

Another local sports drink, Boom+ Isotonic vitamin C is refreshing and low in calories, featuring unique flavours like watermelon lychee and white peach.

Recently launched last year, they're actually an extension of local beverage company Hausboom, known for their sparkling real juice drinks.

If you are brimming with Malaysian pride, so are we!

In this new year of 2024, go all out to support 'Buatan Malaysia' at convenience stores like 7-Eleven, with special promos for homegrown products!

All of your favourite Malaysian brands are sold at major convenience stores, nationwide. And for the best year end deals, make sure to stop by 7-Eleven to support our local brands. After all, they're 'Made in Malaysia, Loved by Malaysians'!

Follow 7-Eleven on their website, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for the latest updates!

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Image via SAYS

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