21 Signs You're Ready For A Relationship
Think you're ready for a relationship? Think again! See how many you check off our 21 Signs You're Ready For A Relationship list!
21. You have empathy
Perhaps the biggest challenge of transitioning from singledom to couplehood is developing empathy. Empathy means you truly care about your partner's feelings. You have to be willing to listen without judgment and able to offer solutions only when asked.
20. You've retired from the drama that comes with bad relationships and ready to have a real adult relationship
When you hear friends talk about their exploits with so-and-so who stood them up, you sigh & remind yourself that you're wiser & know more than ever what you need and want from your next partner
19. You attract a like-minded partner
When you're in the energy of self love and acceptance, it's easy to magnetically attract a like-minded partner who not only loves himself/herself but is available, interested and ready for healthy, happy, whole love.
18. You've defined relationship
Before you jump into a relationship, you should have an idea of your definition of a relationship. That way, you can share it with your potential partner to make sure the both of you are on the same page.
17. You are not insecure
In some cases, people actually seek out relationships because they are too insecure and co-dependent to be alone. Insecurities will find you whether you are in a relationship or not.
16. You are open minded and are accepting of criticism and growth
Can you listen to other people's opinions and criticism and not take it personally? You're ready for love when you commit to exploring the yet undiscovered growth of yourself as an individual and when in a relationship.
15. There is no part of who you are that you're willing to hide or be ashamed of to please someone else
14. You're willing to take a risk
A person who is ready for true intimacy is aware of the risks and uncertainty that comes with falling in love - he/she knows that the relationship will grow and evolve to something wonderful, or it won't.
13. You can think of the past and feel gratitude for what you've learned and identify how you'll proceed differently
If you can't explain what you learned and contributed through to the cycle, you aren't ready to date because you'll just make the same mistakes.
12. You take your time getting to know someone
You make an effort to talk about the things that someone's passionate about so you get to see them when they're most engaged. You know that everyone has something interesting to say & there's no reason to write someone off because of how they look.
11. You smile a lot
When you catch yourself smiling more than making comment, excuse or judgment, then you know you accept yourself unconditionally - and are ready to do the same for another too!
yourtango.com10. You realise that a relationship is a want, not a need
Someone is ready for love when they want it but don't need it. That's the absolute best place to be: wanting a relationship, believing it would be great, but not needing it for your happiness.
yourtango.com8. You don't have a list of must-haves
You're ready for love when you don't have a rigid set of expectations and a laundry list of must-haves and deal breakers; all you want is to simply find someone wonderful to love and share your life with.
7. You feel complete and realize that there's nothing wrong with you
The truth of love is found in self-acceptance, and in shining the light of love on those dark places inside of us.
4. You're not jealous or resentful of people around you who are getting married or engaged
When people around you are getting married or engaged, you feel happy - though you might want the same thing in your own life - aren't consumed with envy by it.
3. You act your age
Most young twenty-somethings are (age appropriately) self-centered and confused, not exactly marriage material. So if you're acting like one of the girls on "Girls," you can be pretty sure you are not in the process of creating a long-term relationship.
1. You can be with yourself
"You like spending time alone and don't need the television to be on or the phone to be glued to your head. You can be with just yourself."
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