Solving This Math Question Can Make You A Billionaire
Here's an easy way to become a trillionaire- just solve this math question! If you get it right, a banker in Dallas will give you $1 million US dollars! How hard can it be, right?
1 Million dollar USD reward for to solve a 33-year-old math problem
A Texas banker with a knack for numbers has offered $1 million for whoever can solve a complex math equation that has stumped mathematicians since the 1980s.
A billionaire Dallas banker will shell out the amount to anyone who can solve a mathematical problem that has baffled geniuses for years
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) said the huge sum would be awarded for the publication of the answer to the Beal Conjecture number theory problem.
The prize for the solution to the Beal Conjecture, a number theory problem, has been increased to $1 million.
in.comHere's the math question that can make you rich
If Ax + By = Cz, where A, B, C, x, y and z are positive integers and x, y and z are all greater than 2, then A, B and C must have a common prime factor.
dallasobserver.comBy way of example, 33 + 63 = 35, but the numbers that are the bases have a common factor of 3, so the equation does not disprove the theorem; it is not a counterexample.

Fermat's Last Theorem went unsolved for hundreds of years. It said that no three positive integers a, b and c can satisfy
Got the answer? Here's how to win the Beal Prize
To earn the Beal Prize, participants have two years to submit a solution or counterexample. The proposed solution must be published in a reputable mathematics publication, while the counterexample is subject to independent verification, the American Mathematical Society said.
To earn the Beal Prize, a proposed solution must be published in a refereed mathematics publication which is respected and, in the opinion of the prize committee (selected by the AMS), maintains the highest editorial standards.

In the case of a counterexample, it will be subject to independent verification. Following a two-year period the prize committee will decide whether a solution merits detailed evaluation.

Whats the deal with Beal?
Dallas banker D. Andrew “Andy” Beal, who in 1997 established a $5,000 prize for solving his namesake equation, the Beal Conjecture number theory problem, has upped the ante in hopes of inspiring young people to pursue math, the Associated Press reports.
“I'd like to inspire young people to pursue math and science. Increasing the prize is a good way to draw attention to mathematics generally and the Beal Conjecture specifically. I hope many more young people will find themselves drawn into the wonderful world of mathematics." Beal says.

Andrew Beal is apparently the richest guy in Dallas. He's an investment banker who made a lot of smart moves as the economy slid into recession.
dallasobserver.comBorn and reared in Lansing, Michigan, Beal is founder and chairman of Beal Bank and Beal Bank USA, as well as other affiliated companies. Beal has an estimated worth of USD$8.4 billion as of September 2012.