16 Things You Will Go Through As Soon As You Start Tracking Your Expenses
You get emotionally attached to loyalty cards...
It's the start of the year and you're determined to get your money in check!
By now you've heard all the tips and tricks: downloading a finance-tracking app, saving 10% of your income, collecting coupons, and comparing prices online.
Add to your financial planning this year by signing up, using, and redeeming points on loyalty cards. Get started quickly with BonusLink and get rewarded when you fuel up at Shell. The best part is BonusLink has tons of awesome redemption perks so you continue to come out on top every time you use it! Redeem your points in exchange for fuel, lubricants, and Shell Select promotions :D
Get more info here!
Tracking your finances will have a huge payoff in the long run, but before you get there, here are the 16 things that will happen:
4. Get emotionally attached to your loyalty cards
Especially when you use a loyalty card like BonusLink, where you can redeem points for fuel, lubricants, and Shell Select promotions! What's not to love?!
15. Your friends question why you don't want to go shopping, eat at fancy restaurants, do all the things you normally do...
16. But then at the end of the month, you realise you actually cut costs and have extra savings!
And it is the Best. Feeling. Ever. Tracking your expenses is going to be tough, but it's seriously a great habit to get into!
Before long it will become second nature and you'll never blow your budget on unnecessary things and end up suffering at the end of the month. It takes time, practice, and diligence. Don't give up!