
Taking A Dump And Other Best Feelings In The World

It's the little things in life that count.

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1. When you 'cirit-birit' in a traffic jam for an hour and you 'tahan' all the way before letting it go in a toilet. BEST. FEELING. EVER.

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2. When you're driving down the road and all the traffic lights are green. Ain't nobody got time fo' red lights!

3. When that popcorn piece stuck between your teeth is set free

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4. When you find out that you have a whole row to yourself on the plane

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5. Peeing in the pool. Admit it, you've done it before. Disgusting but still, a wonderful feeling in life!

6. Gym pain. Although you don't exercise often, the feeling of muscle aches and soreness makes you feel like you did a great job working out.

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7. When you drive to a crowded mall and get the best parking spot within minutes, then walk down and look at all the other drivers still circling around

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8. You're filling up petrol. You're aiming for "RM70" on the screen. You release the pump at the right second, in perfect timing. You. Are. The. Champion.

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9. When you switch channels as commercials start playing and you switch back just in time as your favourite TV show begins

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10. When you're at the LRT station and you take the stairs instead of the escalator. You watch the crowd squeeze themselves while you breeze through them easily. Calorie burnt with that smug look in your face. WIN.

11. When your laptop or cell phone is blinking at 1% but you run and plug in the charger just before it dies

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12. When you take off that price tag in one try

13. When you kill a mosquito by clapping your hands just once. You're the master, you're a ninja, you're the mosquito killer. Your friends will be in awe.

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14. When you can finally fart after your friends leave. Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore...

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15. When you wake up panicking that you're late for work, only to realise it's a weekend and you can go back to sleep

16. When you take your pants out from the washing machine and discover there's RM50 inside

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17. When you get to play with bubble wrap. This is self explanatory.

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18. When you find a piece of curly fry in your stash of normal french fries

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19. When you get into your car just in time before the rain starts pouring down and you're safe from getting wet

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20. When you return to your illegally parked car and you don't see a 'saman' under your wiper

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21. When you turn your pillow to the other side to get the 'cool' feeling

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What other best feelings in life do you swear by? Let us know! Drop us a message on Facebook or tweet us!

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