
[SURVEY] What Do Malaysians Think About Buying A Home In 2019?

To buy or not to buy, that's the question.

Cover image via Climate and Clean Air Coalition

As 2018 draws to a close, we want to find out what Malaysians think of home ownership

Image via Giphy

"What are most Malaysians looking for in a home?" "What are their struggles when it comes to home ownership?" We'll be asking these questions and more to people all over Malaysia to get a better view of the state of homeownership in 2019.

Be a part of 'The 2019 Malaysian Home Survey' by answering a few simple questions below, it'll take just five minutes of your time:

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If you clicked "Submit", then you're good to go! Thank you so much for being part of this exclusive survey, and stay tuned to SAYS for the latest updates!

Image via Giphy

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