
The Ultimate Guide To The Dos And Don'ts Of Pranking Your Friends

Want to pull a prank on strangers? Friends? Family? Here's the lowdown on what you should or should not do.

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Do: Think of your plan properly. Run through them inside out your head. Get your props, your people, everything! Everything has to be spot on!

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Don't: Hurt anybody. Make sure your pranks are safe, clean and fun

Do: Have a friend to record your prank on video! It could possibly get viral on the Internet

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Don't: Ever pretend to resign or break up with your other half as a prank! It may backfire

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Do: Match the prank to your victim. What scares them the most? If your friend is scared of spiders, why not dress your dog in a spider suit and have it chasing your friend?

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Do: Learn from the Japanese. They have a treasure trove of pranks. Don't believe me? See some of their examples here

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Don't: Worry about the complexity of your prank. Sometimes, the best pranks are short and simple...

Do: Know your victim and know who can take a joke. Pranks have consequences and the victim should be laughing at the end! Not like this awry prank gone wrong...

Still not sure how to pull off a prank? Let local YouTuber Joseph Germani help you...

Think you can top that prank? Document it and hashtag #nipsiot and you can win cool prizes! Check it out here

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