
To Love Or Not To Love? That Is The Question

The plethora of emotions behind love and not to love.

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To love: That warm fuzzy feeling in the heart accompanied by tickling butterflies in the tummy for the ladies

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Ladies always love a lovely gentleman who is willing to make her feel really special even if it is just by spending quality time with her. Remember guys, sometimes it just DOESN'T have to be fancy.

To love: A sweet man who tries to talk to the queen of his heart with a cute stammer

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The cute moment when the guy doesn't know what to say but tries anyway and says a whole bunch of wrong things first before he gets to his point.

To love: Staying together even when it gets messy

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Relationships go through pressure tests and one of us will surely snap! This is the test of how faithful your love is - do not give up on your other half yet. Like Marilyn Monroe simply puts it "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell do not deserve me at my best!"

To love: To forgive and try again

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Saying sorry is never a bad thing. It does not make you a much lesser man or a much lesser woman. Saying sorry often can help seal everything back together. Both should practice humility.

To love: To be generous!

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Almost anyone and everyone love gifts. Yea flowers can be slightly pricey during this time but you can always opt to make your special someone a nice card. Well, at the end of the day, it is the thought that counts!

But, to NOT Love: You build a resentment towards people who know how to love

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To NOT love: You won't know how to be happy for others

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You can always start to love yourself, your family and friends. Start appreciating them today.

To NOT love: You don't see the little sacrifices made

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We all make sacrifices in relationships. Sometimes it gets called out as "silly". Reality is that love will create a heart in you that is willing to make those sacrifices.

To NOT love: You will one day realise the mistake you made and then sit in regret

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We wish this for nobody!

What is life without love?

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We sometimes take love for granted in this 'me, myself and I' world. Love shouldn't be used to anyone's own advantage.

If you have been broken hearted before, it is time to get out there and start again. Love is like a game of trial and error, you will meet some bad apples along the way but be strong enough to say NO, Let it Go and move on!

Truth is, someone once made a bold statement about love. He said, love is built the old fashioned way: through hard work.

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Relationships should be intentional and not just for the fun of it, someone might get hurt there.

Love requires faith, endurance and slow-brewing patience

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Get to know each other. Learn each other's likes and dislikes and try to make some little changes to your lives to lovingly accommodate to each other's differences. Nothing is impossible, everything just requires a sound mind and a little patience!

Love is not just two people getting together. Love also means loving ourselves and our lives.

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Love is also loving those around us, family and friends

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To love is to take time to build it

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To love is to give yourself a chance, starting by loving yourself!

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Start setting a new standard to love where people can never use "Love" as a reason of anyone's pain again. Someone needs to get the ball rolling in our circle of influence.

Show us some more love, see what else we were up to on Valentine's Day:

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