Don't Listen to Black Eyed Peas When Driving!
Apparently, the songs you listen to while driving may or may not put your safety at risk. An experiment conducted by found that some songs may pose as a driving hazard to drivers if they were listening to it while driving.
Song you shouldn't listen to while driving
Songs with fast tempo make drivers more aggressive
Dr. Simon Moore of London University concluded that rambunctious tunes caused speeding and erratic driving.
Both a male and a female driver listening to classical music drove more erratically than with no music at all.
One female driver who listened to hip-hop drove the most aggressively of all the drivers.
For optimal safety, researchers advise choosing music with “a tempo like that of the human heart, played at a peaceful 60 to 80 beats per minute.”
The experiment
During the drive, used a mobile app to monitor their driving styles; recording speed, acceleration and breaking to determine whether the addition of music affected their driving.
8 participants, 4 women and 4 men, were asked to drive 500 miles each – the first 250 miles without listening to music and the second with music.