
11 Tips Smart Travellers Live By To Make Frequent Flying Work With Them, Not Against Them

Anything that makes flying less stressful is ace.

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1. Pre-book or choose the best seats with easy access to zip in and out of the plane like a pro

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For A QUICK EXIT, pick a seat on the left side of the plane, in the front. We're talking about deplaning here, and it's obvious that on most planes, those in the front get to leave first. The main exit door is almost always on the left, so passengers tend to funnel out faster from that side of the plane.

2. Learn some tricks to get free WiFi in the airport and avoid having to pay for expensive Internet access

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To track down a wireless password of an airport, Google something like “foursquare Ataturk Airport.” On the resulting page, scroll down and do a quick search for “wireless” or similar terms. That should give you a list of any wireless passwords in the airport and exactly where to find them.

In airports without free wireless for the public, sitting right outside of the airline lounge doors are a good bet for finding an open connection. Lounge signals tend not to extend far beyond the walls so you should increase your wireless range by sitting in the ideal spot for reception.

3. Make full use of self-service options to avoid long queues and minimise time spent in the airport.

AirAsia wants to make it convenient for you to easily breeze through the airport, so you don't have to go through the nightmare of waiting in line for ages to check-in at the counter. There are Self Check-in services available via web, mobile or airport kiosks. Find out how you can have a hassle-free journey HERE.

4. Use their loyalty to a certain brand to get better service and some extra benefits

Being loyal sometimes can come in handy and has its perks. Whether it's to a certain chain of hotels or an airline that you always fly with, it's great to play the loyalty card to get yourself some perks. This could range anywhere from being upgraded to a better room for free or very little charge, getting a full refund for last minute cancellations or getting moved to business class in a flight.

5. In fact, might as well join a frequent flyer programme to enjoy other perks like priority access, and sometimes even free flights

Joining an airline's loyalty programme comes with its own set of perks, from priority access to comfortable airline lounges and being able to claim free flights with enough accumulated points. This can play a big difference to a pleasant, peaceful and comfortable travel.

6. Know the right time to call up the airline

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If your flight is delayed or canceled, rather than queuing up with everyone else at the service counter, call the airline and speak with someone. This will save you a lot of time and hassle.

If your flight gets cancelled/delayed or you're likely to miss a connection, pick up the phone and re-book your flight. Don't wait in the long line at the counter.

7. Mark the luggage as fragile to receive the bag quicker and decrease the chances of it being mishandled

Not only does this mean your bag is more likely to be handled correctly, but it’ll also find itself at the top of pile in the storage compartment of the plane. The result? Why, you’ll get your bag back first, of course. Jackpot.

8. Bring an empty water bottle instead of buying a bottle of overpriced water in the airport

You can't bring a full bottle through security, but there's no stopping you from bringing an empty bottle and then filling it up somewhere in the airport. Having your own water bottle ensures that a) you'll stave off the dehydrating effects of flying, b) you won't have to accept the plastic refreshment cups. Win!

9. When it comes to airport queues, follow the wise words of Beyonce: "To the left, to the left"

Since most folks are right-handed, studies show that lots of people naturally veer to the right when choosing a security checkpoint line, leaving fewer people in line on the left.

10. Avoid (to the best of ability) being in the same airport security line as people who look like they don't fly often

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If you're a frequent flyer, you probably have the strategy down to the science and glide through airport security with swiftly and with ease, but the same can't be said about everyone else. It's best to avoid groups who are most likely to take longer at security checkpoints like the elderly, families with young children, and large groups.

11. For times when the phone battery is running low, and there is no available plug, consider the airport TV's USB port

Of course everyone will be desperately looking for charging stations. Fortunately, TVs have USB ports in the back of them, and you just sneakily plug your phone into them. With a fully charged phone, you’ll be able to keep in touch with your loved ones during your travels.

Step up your travel game even more by learning some of these tricks of the trade: