
7 Malaysian Couples Share What They Really Feel About Valentine's Day

"Every day should be Valentine's Day!"

Cover image via Pexels / Edited by SAYS

1. "We enjoyed the experience of having a fancy celebration, but we don’t want to do it in the long term"

"The first year together for Valentine’s we booked a hotel in KL, spent time together, and had a nice dinner. The second year we only had dinner. Now that it’s going to be our third year together, we find that it’s not necessary to spend a lot.

We enjoyed the experience of having a fancy celebration, but we don’t want to do it in the long term. Like for now, every Valentine’s Day we will just chill at home and watch a movie together. No make-up or fancy dresses, it’s so much more comfortable like that!"

- Felicia, 21

2. "I think that Valentine’s Day is overrated and everyone just wants to use it for marketing purposes"

"I think that Valentine’s Day is overrated and everyone just wants to use it for marketing purposes. Every day should be Valentine’s Day!!! But I think that recognising it as a special day is still good. The partner should still respect the significance of it, just no point of overdoing it you know... It’s not the event or the day that makes it special but it’s who you spend it with"

- Lynn, 21

3. "We usually have takeaway sushi for dinner, or even just play basketball together!"

"My boyfriend and I have been together for almost three years now and we define Valentine’s Day as a simple event, in which it reminds us how far we’ve come and our infinite love for each other. Every couple out there celebrates Valentine’s Day differently. Some decked out in full glamour, spending their Valentine's Day at a fancy 5-star hotel, while some receive expensive, luxurious gifts from their partner.

Us? Well, we just love to watch some movies and have takeaway sushi for dinner, or even just playing basketball together! In short, we both think that Valentine’s Day does not have to be a day filled with rich, luxurious gifts, because it’s the little moments we share with each other that matter most!"

- Fish, 20

4. "Valentine's Day is a celebration that makes things exciting, fun, and blessed when we spend our day together"

"We think that Valentine's Day is special because we take this day to treat ourselves to a nice meal and take the opportunity to appreciate one another much more. Valentine's Day is a celebration that makes things exciting, fun, and blessed when we spend our day together"

- Alex, 22

5. "While couples went out to big fancy restaurants, we decided to just chill at McDonald's"

"Valentine's Day was a day that neither of us had yet experienced. So what we did last year was dress up to go some place nice. But the funny thing was, while couples went out to big fancy restaurants, we decided, "You know what? Let's just chill at McDonald's" (since it happened to be raining too). 

I guess what we learnt was that although V-day can be a day where couples buy big gifts and spend big bucks on 5 star dinners, the most important thing is that it is a day to remind you that you have someone special in your life. No matter the place, being in their presence is what truly matters."

- Callen, 20

6. "Valentine’s Day is a day to spread love not only to your significant other, but to everyone else as well"

"We think that celebrating Valentine’s Day can be expensive. If we have enough money, we will go cafe hopping or have a nice dinner/lunch. But if both of us are broke, we will go window shopping, cook for ourselves at home, or just sleep! We also think that Valentine’s Day is a day to spread love not only to your significant other, but to everyone else as well."

- Clara, 21

7. "It's not something too grand as media views it."

"Our thoughts on Valentine's Day is basically that it's not something too grand as media views it. We surprise each other every now and then with little gifts and spontaneous trips/dates. But we feel that there's no reason to treat your partner extra special on that day, and then not the next day. Of course, we don't deny that it's a great day to go out on a date and it has that novelty. However, if you treat your partner differently just on Valentine's Day, then there's something wrong there."

- Evan, 21

It's always important to remind your partner how much they mean to you, regardless if it's Valentine's Day or not.

Image via Swarovski

Celebrate your love with Swarovski's special Valentine's Day Collection, the most emotive Valentine’s Day Collection to date. It invites people around the world to #FollowYourHeart with the brand’s signature sparkle and brilliance.

It features pieces from the Lifelong Bow, One, and Crystalline Glam lines that tap into the romantic trend, making for beautiful gifts to give or to receive.

The Lifelong Bow line is a perfect symbol of eternal love with a playful, refined, and modern touch

Image via Swarovski

It showcases a flowing ribbon in a duo of interlocking metallic tones, studded with Swarovski crystals. 

Image via Swarvoski

Step up your pinky promises with a ring finger promise. Not only does this delicate bow ring make for the perfect accessory, giving them to your partner can also be a way of saying, "I'll love you forever". 

Lifelong Bow Necklace, Lifelong Bow Bracelet

Image via Swarvoski

Gift your loved one with a Lifelong Bow Necklace, or purchase it together with the Lifelong Bow Bracelet to make a beautiful pairing that anyone would love to wear. 

Lifelong Bow Set

Image via Swarvoski

For those who love to wear earrings, this Lifelong Bow Set is for you. These dainty earrings with the matching necklace are bound to instantly jazz up any outfit.

The One line features a stylish range of stackable rings, adjustable necklaces, and chokers with new, refined designs

Image via Swarovski

The whimsical pink hues with Swarvoski crystal pavé delivers sweet sentiments that add a touch of sparkle to daytime looks. 

One Ring Set

Image via Swarovski

Pick a romantic gift for Valentine’s Day and beyond with this set of two rose gold-plated rings. They are easy-to-wear pieces which will quickly become favourites in any jewelry box.

One Choker, One Pendant

Image via Swarovski

Gift with stylish flair this Valentine’s Day with this dainty choker. Plated in rose gold, the heart-shaped centerpiece in light pink permeates the design with real romance.

An alternative necklace would be the romantic heart-shaped pendant necklace, a striking addition to any collection.

Wear your heart on your sleeve with these dazzling timepieces from the Crystalline Glam line

Image via Swarovski

The dial on the watch shines brightly with around 800 Swarovski crystals guaranteed to brighten up any outfit.

With Chinese New Year just around the corner, you also stand a chance to receive an exclusive set of crystallised red packets

Image via Swarovski

All you have to do is purchase RM288 worth of regular-priced items. If you top up an additional RM900 worth of regular-priced products, you get to receive a set of crystallised red packets AND a pair of sparkling HexaEarrings!

So what are you waiting for? Celebrate love in all its forms and #FollowYourHeart with Swarovski's Valentine's Day Collection.

Click here to check out the entire collection.