See What An Aging Superhero Looks Like Past His Golden Years
Swedish artist Andreas Englund humorously imagines what a superhero’s life in his golden years would be like in his artwork series of oil on canvas portraits.
Swedish artist Andreas Englund takes us into the candidly humorous life of an anonymous superhero who has probably seen better days
Artist Andreas Englund humorously imagines what a superhero’s life in his golden years would be like in his artwork series of oil on canvas portraits. Though he still puts up a tough fight, the wear and tear of battling crime has taken its toll on this elderly action figure.
In a kind of tender comic on a huge canvas, Englund describes the hero who is slowly but surely spending his remaining years with human traits as a link between the artist himself and the viewer. It was extremely important to Englund to portray the aging process with an intensified presence
If you want to accord credibility to a character, the character himself needs to face up reality and the aging process. He has to acknowledge to himself that he cannot live up to expectations and that the “perfect life” is nothing more than wishfulness. Englund’s artworks are focused on the maturing process.
Even in the old age it is still possible to achieve something valuable although someone’s drive and vigour won’t bluster out explosively. Nevertheless everybody in his advanced age deserves to be recognised and respected for what he has achieved in life.
Andreas Englund tried to challenge the stereotype image of the Superhero. According to Andreas:
I want to make pieces that communicate stories. With the storytelling key elements. That’s where the Superhero concept came to life. I wanted to let people get to know the man behind the mask and tell his story uncensored.
inspiredmagz.comMy superhero is far from perfect but that doesn’t mean he is isn´t good.
GALLEY: Portraits of an Elderly Superhero by Andreas Englund