
When You Zoom Into Objects Invisible To The Naked Eye, Everything Is Fascinating

A visual extravaganza for your eyes and mind.

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1. Butterfly wings as seen through naked eyes

Mesmerising macro shots of butterfly wings:

Monarch wing

Image via Linden Gledhill

Citharias aurorina wing

Image via Linden Gledhill

2. Frontal view of a mosquito as seen from naked eyes

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Terrifyingly fascinating frontal view macro shot of a mosquito's eyes:

Image via Oliver Meckes

3. A normal looking spiderling

Spiderlings, magnified 6x:

4. An ant carrying larva in its mouth

A 5x magnified shot of an ant carrying larva in its mouth:

Image via Geir Drange

5. A photo of coral sand as seen from naked eyes

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Coral sand looking gorgeous in this 300x magnified shot:

6. A cracked steel as seen normally

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Macro shot of a cracked steel looking surreal:

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7. A baby lizard as seen through naked eyes

Macro shot of a leg of lizard, now looking absolutely terrifying:

Image via Oliver Meckes

8. How ink diffusing in water looks like

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The very ink diffusing in water under macro shots now look utterly beautiful:

9. Now, here's a photo of something 7,000 light years from Earth. The iconic 'Pillars of Creation', a place where new stars are born!

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It's a photograph taken by the Hubble Space Telescope of elephant trunks of interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula, some 7,000 light years from Earth.

Speaking of photos, some of these winning shots from last year's Wildlife Photographer award are truly captivating

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