
Why You Shouldn't Underestimate The Kiwifruit In Your 20's

Eating kiwifruit will definitely help you power through your 20's.

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You're in your twenties. You're full of ambitions, dreams, and a sense for adventure

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But work, exams, late nights as well as deadlines all zap that energy out leaving no time to do what you love

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Here's why we think eating kiwifruit will help you feel refreshed and revitalised through the day

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Constantly snacking on unhealthy food at work? Switch to kiwifruit as it is tastier and more nutritious

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The kiwifruit taste sweeter when it is ripe, just like mango and papaya! It can be ripened at home simply storing them at room temperature overnight. To speed up ripening, they can be stored with apples or bananas.

The gold kiwifruit is the most nutrient-rich fruit of all time, containing 10 times more nutrients than apples

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Gold kiwifruit is considered the most nutrient-rich fruit based on the data from the USDA Nutrient Database (2012) Release 25. It has 10x more nutrition than apples expressed in nutrient adequacy score.

A gold kiwifruit a day is enough to meet your daily Vitamin C requirement, more than a banana and an orange combined

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Gold kiwifruit has the highest Vitamin C content amongst popular fruits, making it a great natural source of Vitamin C. It has 3x more Vitamin C of oranges per 100g edible flesh.

Busy and have no time to drink? A kiwifruit rehydrates the body as it is one of the most water-dense and juiciest fruit of all

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Lack of fluid intake or dehydration is also one of the reasons our body is experiencing lethargy especially after a day of hard work and without proper diet and fluid intake.The juicy kiwifruit provides the instant boost of refreshment with its balanced sweet sour taste.

Feeling tired constantly? The Vitamin C in kiwifruit aids in the absorption of iron, essential for moving oxygen around your body, thus making you feel fresher and awake

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For us who are constantly on the run will tend to experience fatigue easily. Vitamin C helps to activate enzymes in the body that play an important role in the regulation of metabolic energy. Vitamin C also assists the body’s update of iron, an essential mineral for the transportation of oxygen in the blood and the metabolism of blood sugar that gives energy and helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Love going to the gym and working out? Taking a kiwifruit not only provides Vitamin C, but enzymes, fibre, potassium, folate and Vitamin E, all essential for building a strong body

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It has 20 essential nutrients such as fibre, enzyme actinidin, various vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants to keep the body in top shape all the time.

Not sure where to start? Why not try the new Zespri® SunGold Kiwifruit allowing you to live your life as you should be in your 20's

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Also on SAYS: Why these mangoes are probably the most expensive in the world