
Love Fried Chicken? KFC Is Giving You A Chance To Win Up To A Year's Supply And More

A year's supply of fried chicken?! Count me in lah!

Cover image via @kfcmalaysia (Instagram)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by KFC.

Do you love KFC fried chicken so much that you wish you could eat it all day err day?

Image via GIPHY

We totally feel the same way, boo, because fried chicken is lyfe, amirite? Whether it's Hot & Spicy or Original, we can't deny that KFC fried chicken holds a special place in our hearts <3

In conjunction with National Fried Chicken Day, KFC is having an awesome Fried Chicken Bonanza from now till 26 July

That's right, KFC is literally gonna rain chicken down on you with up to 490,000 e-vouchers up for grabs! If that’s not enough, KFC is also giving you the chance to win Grand Prizes like up to a YEAR'S supply of Free KFC Bucket, Free Delivery for a YEAR, RM1 ONLY Bucket, and lots more!

And if nothing meets your fancy, their prize catalogues are refreshed weekly, so you're always in for a surprise. Shake, shake, shake till you win! #KFCShakeBonanza

Are you salivating at the thought of eating KFC fried chicken? :9 Jom, register for the Shake More, Get More contest lah!

Here's what you gotta do:

STEP 1: 
Download the KFC App from the Apple App Store or Google Play StoreInstall and login.

STEP 2: Buy your favourite KFC meal and for every RM20* spent, you'll receive one Shake

STEP 3: Exchange your Shake for Drumstick Tokens to collect prizes

*RM20 does not include delivery fee.

Newly-registered app users will also be awarded a FREE SHAKE on the house! Don't forget to stay tuned during the Bonanza Week (20 July to 26 July), 'cause during that time, collecting six tokens will earn you a chance to shake the bucket to win the Grand Prizes!

Are you ready to Shake and win?! Here are some tips to get you ready:

1. You don't have to Shake all in one go. You can spread your Shakes across different times throughout your day. Maybe do one in the morning, and then another while on your coffee break.

2. When you want to collect your vouchers, make sure to check out what's on offer under both the Delivery and Self Collect tabs! See something you like? Collect it lah! If not, you can wait for the offers to refresh weekly! But don't wait too long, as each item has a collection limit.

3. Got a lot of Tokens? Collect vouchers with different expiry dates so that you'll have vouchers ready and waiting for not only your next order, but the future ones after that too!

P.S: Your Drumstick Tokens are valid till 9 August, so don't forget to redeem them!

Ready to winnnnnn during KFC's Fried Chicken Bonanza? Just start ordering through the KFC app to start collecting 'Shakes' now!

You can download the KFC app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. For more information, you can visit this website.

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