
[UPDATED] Pesticide Killed the Elephants

The death toll of the rare pygmy elephant species, who were found dead under mysterious circumstances in Gunung Rara Forest Reserve, Tawau, have risen to 14. Initial investigations revealed that they were poisoned, but by whom and for what?

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Cyanide and sulphur found at dead elephants' site

BCT conservation and research head Raymond Alfred said traces of cyanide and sulphur could have contaminated the food sources of the animals near the area.

Yayasan Sabah and Sabah CM responsible?

As the head of the state government, Musa Aman had issued permits for logging and palm oil production that encroached on the elephants' habitat.

Apparently, through insinuations, Yayasan Sabah poisoned the elephants because their oil palm plantations were being destroyed and being nearest to the scene.

Elephants were killed

The continued survival of 11 elephants, from the herd where 14 were found killed earlier, hangs in the balance deep in Tawau.

Investigations indicated that the elephants were killed as autopsies found their intestinal tracts ruptured and there were other internal injuries.

Logging companies at elephants death site identified

Siasatan polis mendapati terdapat syarikat pembalakan di lokasi terbabit yang mempunyai pekerja dianggarkan 300 orang.

Sabah police have identified the logging companies carrying out work at the site where 14 Borneo pygmy elephants died mysteriously at the Rara Forest Reserve, about 139km from Tawau, recently.

Police collecting samples

The chemist's report is expected to be out this Friday.

RM50,000 is being offered for information leading to the capture of those responsible for their deaths.

“Today, our officers are focusing on getting more detailed statements from villagers and estate workers there to facilitate investigations,” Kinabatangan police chief said.

Poisonous chemical used to control elephants population

"If it was accidental, it would not have been so many deaths," Sabah Wildlife Department director said adding that elephants by instinct know what they should eat.

Another elephant found dead, death toll now 14

It was also reported today that the sole surviving pygmy elephant calf found, now named “Joe”, is consuming only half its normal 30 litres of milk per day.

Four more Borneo elephants were found dead in a protected forest in Malaysia—bringing the total to 14—as a wildlife official said poison may have been the cause.

If poison was used to kill the elephants leading to their slow and painful death then it was an act of sheer cruelty which must be taken seriously and those responsible must be brought to book.

They fear more dead pygmy elephants -- an endangered species -- could be found because they usually roam Borneo's jungles in herds of 50 to 60 animals.

Another Bornean Pygmy elephant was found dead making it 14 to date near the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve in Tawau.

Orphaned baby elephant finds new 'mom'

Penemuan terbaru itu menjadikan jumlah spesis dilindungi yang mati dipercayai akibat termakan racun meningkat kepada 13 ekor.

The 3 month-old Borneo pygmy elephant calf, the sole survivor of a herd that was killed from suspected poisoning, is in good health although it is not out of the woods yet.

Oxford University researchers say elephants mourn their dead by touching the dead body with their trunks and sometimes rocking in apparent grief.

The 3 month-old male Pygmy elephant has picked Augustine David as its "adoptive mother" the last 6 days since it was found, trumpeting when left alone for too long.

Three more pygmy elephants found dead

3 highly decomposed carcasses were found Wednesday in Sabah's remote Gunung Rara Forest Reserve not far from where officials found the 10 other dead pygmy elephants.

Polis Kinabatangan mengesahkan menerima laporan daripada Jabatan Hidupan Liar berhubung kematian 13 ekor gajah Pygmy Borneo.

They are believed to have consumed some form of natural or pesticide poison while roaming in the Yayasan Sabah forest management unit 23.

"The team has begun combing the route frequented by the family and it confirms our earlier fears that more may have died," State Wildlife director said.

Masidi said it was estimated that there were only 1,000 elephants left in that particular forest area.

Sabah Chief Minister wants the State Wildlife Department and Forestry Department to thoroughly investigate the death of 10 elephants in Tawau recently.

"The team has begun combing the route frequented by the family and it confirms our earlier fears that more may have died," Sabah Wildlife director said.

The remains of three more endangered Borneo pygmy elephants have been found in the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve, taking the total death toll to 13.

No gunshots, just heavily damaged organs

Anak gajah yang diberi nama Kejora itu seperti kelaparan dan terselamat, tetapi masih dipantau berikutan turut terkena tempias racun berkenaan akibat meminum susu daripada ibunya.

The Star said it was not known how the elephants had died, and noted it was possible they had eaten poisonous plants or pesticides.

Rescued baby elephant may not survive

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Ten endangered Borneo pygmy elephants have been found dead in a Malaysian forest under mysterious circumstances, and wildlife officials said they probably were poisoned.

The odds of the baby elephant surviving, however, remained slim as it was still nursing from its mother.

In one case, officers rescued a 3-month-old calf that was apparently trying to wake its dead mother.

A 3 month-old male calf named Kejora was sent to the Lok Kawi Wildlife Zoo yesterday where staff are taking care of it including bottle feeding it.

The Sabah Wildlife Department will set up a joint task force with the Forestry Department, Yayasan Sabah, WWF and the Royal Malaysian Police to further investigate these deaths.

10 pygmy elephants found poisoned to death

Poisoning appeared to be the likely cause, but officials have not determined whether it was intentional, said Sabah environmental minister.

The damage evident in the elephants' digestive systems had led officials to "highly suspect" acute poisoning. Tests will confirm whether they could have been deliberately poisoned.

Sabah wildlife department received a report last Wednesday of 4 dead pygmy elephants in the Gunung Rara forest reserve, another 4 of the animals dead or dying after inspecting the area for 2 days.

Sebanyak 10 ekor gajah spesies terancam, Pygmy Borneo yang berusia antara empat dan 20 tahun ditemui mati sejak beberapa minggu lalu di Hutan Simpan Gunung Rara, Tawau.

Pygmy elephants

They love durian and will roll the entire fruit - spikes and all - in mud, then swallow it whole!
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Borneo Pygmy elephants are found, mostly in the Malaysian state of Sabah. This makes Sabah home to the world's smallest known sub-species of elephants.

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