
18-Year-Old Girl's Body Found After Posting "Feel Like Dying" Facebook Status

She was only 18. Tee Beng Feng's body was found in waters off Senibong in Johor at 6.30am, 18 July 2014. Here's all we know so far.

Cover image via TheStar Online

Tee Beng Feng Was Only 18 Years Old. At 6.30AM, 18 July 2014, Her Body Was Found In Waters Off Senibong, Permas Jaya, Johor.

An 18-year-old was found drowned 12 hours after posting a cryptic message on her Facebook account in which she expressed her wish to die. The body of Tee Beng Feng, a student at a private college here, was found at 6.30am yesterday in waters off Senibong in Permas Jaya.

Johor Baru South OCPD Asst Comm Sulaiman Salleh said the witnesses and Tee’s friends immediately set out to look for her but to no avail. He said a search and rescue team was immediately deployed to look for Tee, and her body, clad in a blue T-shirt and shorts, was found about eight hours later.

12 Hours Before She Was Found, Tee Had Posted A Status On Facebook Saying "Feel Like Dying. Please Miss Me, Hahahahaha” In Chinese. Her Post Received Hundreds Of Likes.

Tee’s Facebook posting, received hundreds of Likes and numerous comments from her friends.
Many had expressed their concern while another begged her to come out to talk about her problem.
Some had also urged her to cherish her own life, while others said they hoped her posting was a joke.

About Three Hours After Her Post, Two Witnesses Said They Saw Her Slowly Walking Into The Sea At Around 9.30PM Before Disappearing, Reports TheStar

They immediately ran to look for Tee’s two male friends whom they had seen earlier with the girl.

Tee's Friends And The Witnesses Couldn't Find Her. After A Police Search Team Was Deployed, Tee Was Found Only Eight Hours Later.

He said a search and rescue team was immediately deployed to look for Tee, and her body, clad in a blue T-shirt and shorts, was found about eight hours later. “The case has been classified under sudden death report as there was no criminal element involved,” said ACP Sulaiman, adding that Tee’s body has been sent to Hospital Sultan Ismail for a post-mortem.

Tee's Parents Are Distraught. A Relative Said Her Death Might Have Had Something To Do With A Recent Break-Up.

A relative said Tee’s action could be prompted by a recent break-up with her boyfriend but refused to disclose further details. In an earlier posting on July 10, Tee had written “what women usually do is change a boy to a man, only to let him walk away”, accompanied with a selfie of herself.

“The Case Has Been Classified Under Sudden Death Report As There Was No Criminal Element Involved."

“The case has been classified under sudden death report as there was no criminal element involved,” said ACP Sulaiman, adding that Tee’s body has been sent to Hospital Sultan Ismail for a post-mortem.

Just Two Days Ago On 16 July 2014, A 26-Year-Old Man Committed Suicide In Front Of His Mother At BSC:

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