
If You Hate Being Stuck In Traffic In Cheras, How About A Terrifying 50-Lane Traffic Jam?

The thought itself is giving us extreme road rage even though we're sitting at our desks!

Cover image via China Foto Press/Getty Images

With motorists spending hours in the traffic crawl to and from their offices on a daily basis, the traffic situation in Cheras is a perennial problem. However, take a look at this 50-lane traffic jam. Terrifying?

This is what happens when millions of people return from holiday and try to get back into Beijing at the same time! Just look at it:

Hell. Agony. Anger. Madness.

That's what it must feel like going through this insane traffic jam.

So what caused it? A checkpoint on the other side of the toll booth that forced the traffic to merge from 50 lanes down to just 20!

Looking at it, does it make you want to start punching your keyboard (while imagining it's your steering wheel) and rip off your hair (while imagining they are your car's roof) and scream until the veins in your forehead burst and then cry like a crazy person?

Go ahead, do it because that's how the curator of this story is feeling right now!

Watch how horrible it was in the video below:

But wait, going by China's past traffic jam standards, the above 50-lane traffic jam, terrifying as it sounds, is actually not the worst at all!

A tailback on the 110 Expressway between Beijing and Inner Mongolia back in 2010 lasted 12 days and stretched 97 kilometres!

The situation was so bad that some motorists were stuck in the jam for full five days and 400 police officers were brought in to keep their tempers in check.

Makes you want to say "Yay! Cheras traffic!" no? :P


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