
92-Year-Old Woman Kills Son For Trying To Put Her In A Nursing Home

She had two pistols with her during the incident.

Cover image via Forbes

An elderly woman allegedly killed her son to avoid being sent to a nursing home

Image via BBC

92-year-old Anna Mae Blessing reportedly shot and killed her 72-year-old son at their home in Arizona on Monday, 2 July, over threats of being relocated to a nursing home, BBC said. 

Police said Blessing hid two pistols in the pockets of her robe and shot her son several times in his bedroom

The son's girlfriend, who was also in the room, said she heard Blessing telling her son she was tired of the way he treated her. Blessing had been living them for about six months.

"From my understanding, she had thought about it for a few days because there was a dispute regarding her son wanting to put her in an assisted living home," Maricopa County Sgt. Bryant Vanejas said as quoted by The Daily Beast. said Blessing had purchased one of the guns in the late 1970s and that her husband gave her the other pistol.

After killing her son, Blessing then pointed the pistol at her son's girlfriend, who was able to wrestle the gun away from her. When Blessing pulled out the second pistol from her robe, her son's girlfriend also knocked it out of her hand.

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via 680 News

Once she was disarmed, Blessing sat on a recliner and waited for the authorities to arrive.

As she was being led out of the residence, she muttered to an officer, "You took my life, so I’m taking yours." She later told police she deserved to be "put to sleep" for her actions.

The nonagenarian has been charged with first-degree murder, aggravated assault, and kidnapping.

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