
Mother In China Bought A New Phone After Selling Off Her Twin Babies For RM38,200

Local police uncovered the crime recently while investigating a different case.

Cover image via AsiaOne

Recently, local authorities in Cixi city of Zhejiang Province, China uncovered a case of a single mother selling her twin babies for 65,000 yuan (RM38,209) and using the money to buy a new phone

According to AsiaOne, while the incident happened in September last year, it was only uncovered by local police a few days back while investigating a different case.

The single mother surnamed Ma sold off the babies after her boyfriend refused to take responsibility and her parents threatened to provide her with no help.

According to a Chinese news site ETToday, Ma sold one of her babies for 45,000 yuan (RM26,446) and other for 20,000 yuan (RM11,750).

Authorities with the twin brothers.

Image via AsiaOne

When authorities questioned the woman, she claimed that she sold off her twins because she was "penniless and heavily in debt"

The single mother, who is in her 20s, said that her parents had refused to help her because they were angry about the pre-marital pregnancy.

Meanwhile, the father of the twins who was nowhere to be found when they were born, resurfaced to ask for his share when he heard that Ma had sold off the twins.

Surprisingly, the woman split the money she got by selling the babies with her boyfriend. She then used her share to pay off her credit card debts and to buy a new mobile phone, a Chinese news site called Lianhe Zaobao reported.

The boyfriend, known only as Wu, used the money to pay back his gambling debt.

While authorities have now arrested the single mother along with her boyfriend, the pair had already spent all of the money

Following their arrest, police also traced the two couples who had bought the children.

However, as buying and selling of children is a crime, the twins have now been returned to the single mother's parents, ETToday reported.

Image via Zaobao

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