The World's Biggest Media Channels Are Talking About Our 'Pretzel Dog' Fiasco
The list is really quite long.
It seems that everyone can't stop talking about Auntie Anne's 'Pretzel Dog' since news broke out about the company's application for halal certification
It was revealed recently that Auntie Anne's has yet to be certified halal by Malaysia's Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM).
One of the reasons Auntie Anne's was refused halal certification is because JAKIM found its 'Pretzel Dog' name to be "inappropriate", recommending the company to rename it to 'Pretzel Sausage'.
Following the incident, the issue has not only been widely reported by local media but also highly publicised in many other countries around the world.
5. Austria's Der Standard
The headline roughly translates into: 'There won’t be any ‘hot dogs’ in Malaysia in the future: Dogs are considered "unclean”'.
Image via Der Standard6. Germany's Rheinische Pos
The headline roughly translates into: 'Malaysia prohibits the sales of hot dogs'.
Image via RP Online9. Indonesia's Kompas
The headline roughly translates into: 'The Malaysian government asks restaurant to rename
Image via Kompas10. Indonesia's Tempo
The headline roughly translates into: ''Hot Dog' In Malaysia Is Urged To Change Its Name Due To Its "Haram" Impression'.
Image via Tempo15. Taiwan/Hong Kong's Apple Daily
The headline roughly translates into: ''Hot dog' misleading Muslims to eat pork, Malaysia recommends a rename'.
Image via Apple Daily19. Vietnam's Thanh Niên
The headline roughly translates into: 'Intense debate on request to change the name of ‘hot dog’'.
Image via Thanh NiênShare with us if you've seen other articles by any other publishers around the world in the comments section below!