Back-to-School Tragedies: Student Hangs Himself to Avoid Afternoon Session
While most students are happily back at school enjoying the company of friends, some students were forced by the flood to start school later and homeless. On the other hand, some students may never be able to step into their classrooms or see their friends again.
Schools in flood areas to start late
A total of 23 primary schools and eight secondary schools cannot start their school session in Hulu Terengganu, Besut, Kemaman and Setiu.
"This is the first time we could not open the school on the first day of the new session... flood inundated the school once again at 3am on Tuesday, and the school had to be closed," headmaster said.
malaysiandigest.com31 schools in Terengganu remained closed today due to the second wave of floods which hit the state yesterday, and kept about 12,000 schoolchildren away from their first school day of the new year.
Student refused to attend afternoon session, hangs himself
Sebelum itu, mangsa langsung tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda yang pelik dan mencurigakan apabila bapanya meminta dia bersiap untuk pergi ke sekolah.
malaysiandailynews.comThe father waited for about 20 minutes on the ground floor before going up to his son’s bedroom. Upon opening the door, he was shocked to find his son hanging lifeless from the window grill.
Kes itu diklasifikasi sebagai mati mengejut. tingkatan 2 yang bernama Alexander Ajang Wan, ditemui mati tergantung oleh ayahnya ketika dia hendak menghantar anaknya itu ke sekolah.
miritoday.comSebelum ini, mangsa pernah meluahkan perasaan bahawa dia tidak suka bersekolah pada sesi petang kerana abang dan adik-beradiknya yang lain bersekolah pada sesi pagi.
mummynemo.comUpper Six student falls to his death
“Mangsa seorang pendiam dan dikatakan mempunyai masalah pembelajaran,” kata seorang sumber.
gempak.orgSebelum kejadian, ibu mangsa menegur dan menasihati mangsa agar menumpukan semula kepada pelajaran dan fokus pada persekolahan yang bakal bermula.
malaysiandigest.comDalam kejadian kira-kira jam 12.15 pagi, Cheng, 18, ditemui oleh pengawal keselamatan dalam keadaan terbaring berlumuran darah berhampiran kawasan tempat letak kereta. is believed that Chang Bing Her, 18, from a private high school here plunged from his bedroom’s window, 21 floors high.