
You'll Have To Pay A Fine Of RM3,500 If Your Vehicle Gets Towed By MBSA

MBSA has an update.

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MBSA clarifies that it is not imposing a fine of RM3,500 for towed vehicles

MBSA has clarified in a comment on the SAYS Facebook page that it is not imposing a fine of RM3,500 on towed vehicles, contrary to what was reported by an English daily.

The comment reads:

Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA) ingin memaklumkan bahawa penundaan kenderaan berat yang diletakkan di bahu-bahu jalan telah dilakukan melalui Operasi Bersepadu Menunda Kenderaan Berat. Operasi ini diadakan bertujuan untuk mengesan dan membanteras masalah kenderaan berat seperti lori dan bas yang diletakkan di kawasan awam seperti bahu jalan, kawasan kediaman dan rizab jalan.

Bagi kenderaan berat yang tidak dialihkan seperti bas, trailer dan lori, kenderaan tersebut akan ditunda dan akan dikompaun sebanyak RM2420.00. Caj bagi simpanan di depoh adalah sebanyak RM50.00 sehari.

Manakala itu, kos kompaun dan penundaan bagi kenderaan biasa seperti kereta dan van hanya dikenakan sebanyak RM270 bukan nilai sebanyak RM3,500 seperti yang di war-warkan tersebut.

Justeru, pihak MBSA ingin memohon supaya kenyataan ini disiarkan agar masyarakat tidak terkeliru dengan berita yang disiarkan. Sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi Bahagian Korporat dan Perhubungan Awam, MBSA di talian 03-55222734.

The fine for towed heavy vehicles is set up to RM2,420 while towed light vehicles like cars and vans will see a fine of up to RM270

For further enquiries, contact MBSA by dialling 03-55222734.

1 MARCH: Parking illegally in Shah Alam now comes with expensive consequences

The Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) has announced that it will impose a hefty RM3,500 fine for any vehicle towed for parking illegally at Shah Alam residential areas, The Star Online reported. 

The fine was imposed after MBSA received complaints from residents over nuisance and obstruction caused by heavy vehicles parking haphazardly on road kerbs, dividers, and other open spaces

Image via LowyatFORUM

"Some park at the main junctions of busy roads and cause traffic congestion," Mayor Datuk Ahmad Zaharin Mohd Saad told the English daily. 

He added that these vehicles were often parked overnight and it has become an eyesore for residents. 

The council has hired loaders and sought the services of tow trucks to remove these illegally parked vehicles

Apart from the fine, Ahmad Zaharin said owners of the vehicle will have to fork out a RM50 storage fee for each day the vehicle is not collected from the depot.

Abandoned vehicles are also a growing concern for the folks in Shah Alam. The Star Online spoke to a number of residents who said that there were more than 50 of such vehicles dumped at various spots all over residential areas in Shah Alam.

Residents voiced out their concerns by saying that these vehicles have become a potential breeding ground for pests like mosquitoes and rats, which could pose a potential health hazard for everyone. 

Did you know that reserved parking spots in KL after not supposed to be blocked after business hours?

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