
Blind Mum Has No Choice But to Sell Her Babies

Du Xiurong, a blind Chinese mother, has sold 3 newborn girls and a boy between 2005 and 2012. She says she did it to raise money to look after her two eldest children because her husband can't hold on to a job.

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Meet: Du Xiurong, the blind Chinese mother who sold 4 of her children for $1,500

Du Xiurong, the blind Chinese mother who sold 4 of her children for $1,500

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Sold 4 of her newborn children because her husband can’t hold down a job

A blind Chinese woman has admitted to selling four of her new-born children to support her family because her husband can't hold down a steady job.

Between 2005 and 2012 Du Xiurong, from Shibei Village in Mianyang, south-west China's Sichuan Province, sold four of her new newborn babies - three girls and one boy.

In total Du, has given birth to six children, but has only kept her eldest son and eldest daughter. Because of China’s one-child, forced-abortion policy Du has had to keep her pregnancies hidden from family planning officials.

This January Du was detained for selling her babies, but she was released not long after due to her disability. According to Du, who was blinded in an accident when she was five, she got married when she was 14.

'My parents saw me as a burden': Du was married off as soon as they found someone who wanted her

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In total Du has sold her four children for around 10,000 Yuan (£1,070).
Du has now has become a grandmother and she is already planning how to raise money for her grandson's future education.
'I'll give the boy a good education, even if I have to sell everything.'

Gallery: A glimpse into Du's life

Desperate measures: Du Xiurong, pictured with her grandson, admits she has sold four of her children in order to raise money to support her family after her husband was unable to hold down a steady job

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Tough decision: Du sold a daughter for 2,500 yuan in 2005 and, over the next seven years, sold three more

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'I'll give the boy a good education, even if I have to sell everything': Du has now has become a grandmother and she is already planning how to raise money for her grandson's future education

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Rural: As China has a one-child policy, Du has had to hide her pregnancies from the village officials

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Poor: As Du's son and daughter grew up the family found themselves in need of money for the their education

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Scratching out a living

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Hard life: Du was blinded in an accident when she was five, and she got married when she was 14

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What Du Xiurong has to say about why she's doing all this

'I love babies': She says that if she were capable to support the youngsters then she would have kept them all. 'I have no other choice. If I were not blinded I wouldn't have to do this,' she said.

Poverty: Between 2005 and 2012 Du, from Shibei Village in Mianyang, south-west China's Sichuan Province, sold four of her new newborn babies - three girls and one boy - for a total of 10,000 yuan (£1,070)

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She also says that her children mean a lot to her, and that she did not actually sell her children, but only charged "pregnancy fees." She says" If I were capable, I definitely would bring them up. But I really can't support them. I then find them good families to adopt them.'

Du further says: 'Rich people give out money for a daughter's wedding. Middle-class people earn money for a daughter's marriage, and poor people sell sons and daughters.'

'My parents saw me as a burden,,' she said. 'They wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. So when they knew someone wanted to get married with me they couldn't wait to push me out'.

However, she soon found that her husband was unable to hold down a job. 'As a normal person, he can't earn any money. On the contrary, I, a blinded person, had to support the whole family,' she said.

ALSO READ: Newborn baby found in sewage pipe in China, rescued!

[FULL STORY] A newborn baby who was rescued from a sewer pipe in China has been returned to his mother.
Authorities have decided the infant became trapped in the pipe underneath a squat toilet in Pujiang county as the result of an accident and so the 22-year-old woman will face no charges.

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