
[VIRAL] Watch This Indian Actress Teach A Journo A Thing Or Two About Women's Rights

Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat blasted out in anger when a journalist asked about her controversial interview for the international magazine variety about women's right.

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Mallika Sherawat is an Indian actress, who somehow always ends up making news, no matter what she does.


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Mallika made a lot of Indians very angry when she spoke vocally about the perils women face in India. Infanticide, forced marriages, gang rapes, honour killings and child brides are just a few of them.

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In an old video, which has gone viral since 28 November, she addressed a press conference where a local female journalist called her out on once saying that "India being a regressive country"

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In retaliation to the journo's remark, Mallika replied :"I think you need to do your homework well."

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That was just the beginning, after that Mallika tore into the journalist, saying: "I said Indian society is regressive for women, see the interview again."

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When the journalist shot back asking, "Why do you think Indian society is regressive for women?" Mallika let loose and quoted facts and figures while replying to the journalist

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She said: "Today I read in the newspaper, according to UNFPA, 40 per cent of Indian women are married below the age of 18, I think it is a very very regressive state for women. And I stand by it."

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When the journalist fought back saying that by focusing on the state of women, Sherawat was giving India a bad name, Mallika said, "So, as a woman, I should lie about the state of women that's in our country?"

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"I didn't lie. I won't lie. I said the truth."

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Watch the whole video here:

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