
What Captain Zaharie's Daughter Has To Say To Daily Mail For Their "Bogus" Report

The daughter of MH370 pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah has broken her silence to hit out at baseless accusations against her father.

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Aishah Zaharie, daughter of Captain Zaharie, has accused the Daily Mail of "making up" a report in which the tabloid quoted her saying her father was unstable before the flight

Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah with his daughter Aishah

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The daughter of MH370's Capt Zaharie Ahmad Shah has said she will not forgive British tabloid the Daily Mail for "making up stories" that implied her father could be responsible for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

The Daily Mail, whose coverage of the three-week-long missing-plane crisis has been questioned before, said in a report Sunday that family members described captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, as "disturbed".

Aishah, along with her brother Ahmad Idris Zaharie, have used a Facebook page set up in support of their father to express their disgust at the Daily Mail's report about him

Aishah Zaharie, 27, Ahmad Seth Zaharie, 26, and their mother Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan at an event (left), Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah

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They say the latest story is utter rubbish, pushing human patience to the limit and Aishah has suggested that one UK paper should consider making movies because they are so good at making up scripts.

Their comments, along with calls for them to take legal action, follow a report in the UK Daily Mail which purported to know what the family has told police investigators in Kuala Lumpur.

Aishah lives in Melbourne where she studied at Deakin University. She came home to Malaysia to be with her family after MH370 went missing.

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Until now she has wanted to grieve privately and has not made any public comments about her beloved father or her family. But on the weekend she was driven to respond and sent a screen grab of her private Facebook page to the administrator of the Friends of Captain Zaharie MH370 Facebook page.

Here's what Aishah Zaharie wrote:

"Dear Dailymail,

You should consider making movies since you are so good at making up stories and scripts out of thin air . May God have mercy on your souls. You can bet your ass I will not forgive you.”

Captain Zaharie’s son, Ahmad Idris Zaharie, was also infuriated by the article. He posted:

“utter rubbish ... im (sic) disgusted with this article ... they are really pushing the human patience to the limit ... how I wish its dat (sic) easy to get a lawyer n (sic) sue them. If I could I would sue them till the company needs to be closed down (which is very unlikely)”

The Daily Mail had said that Captain Zaharie was "on the brink" of divorcing his wife of 30 years

Captain with his daughter and wife

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Quoting a "source close to the pilot's family", it said Zaharie's wife Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan told investigators that he stopped speaking to her in the weeks before the flight and "retreated into a shell".

Aishah was quoted as saying: "He wasn't the father I knew. He seemed disturbed and lost in a world of his own." Malaysian police have questioned the families of Zaharie, co-pilot Fariq and other crew, and seized a flight simulator from the captain's house. No evidence has emerged to implicate anyone.

It had previously reported that Captain Zaharie, who has been with MAS for 33 years and has more than 18,000 flying hours, was a fanatical supporter of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

The Malaysia Airlines (MAS) pilot has been the subject of investigations by Malaysian authorities after the plane carrying 239 people disappeared, but the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has cleared him after finding nothing in his self-built Boeing 777 simulator.

Authorities and police too have joined the protest, saying the story is unsubstantiated and from unreliable sources

Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein called for the privacy of the families of passengers and crew flight MH370 to be respected.

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"I can confirm that I do not think it came from the police, and how the Daily Mail got it, you have to ask them," said acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein. "In regards to information being revealed outside the press conference or speculation, diagrams in Google or anything else on the Internet, I cannot confirm or discount those sources.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar

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Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar regrets that there are still certain parties who continue to speculate the fate of Flight MH370 even to the point of tarnishing the reputation of Capt Zaharie Ahmad Shah's family. He said the speculations would not only embarrass the family but could also jeopardise investigations into the incident.

"There are too many speculations, so we have to be very careful what we read. Even his daughter has denied, yet there are media (foreign) who intentionally write things, which are not correct. If there is anything, I will make an announcement. But we have to understand that this is being investigated, and we are afraid that it could jeopardise our investigations," he told reporters.

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