
Chinese Tourists Had To Write An Apology Letter After Stealing A Toilet Seat In Japan

That must be a really, REALLY special toilet seat.

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A Chinese couple visiting Nagoya, Japan has been made to apologise after taking a toilet seat from their hotel room

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Serious. Come on guys, we can't make that up.

The tourists from Zhejiang Province found a spare toilet seat underneath their bed and decided to take it along with them when they left the hotel

Image via Huanqiu

When the couple and the rest of the group left Nagoya, hotel staff discovered a spare toilet seat was missing and immediately contacted the tourist’s travel agency demanding that it be returned. The staff also reported the theft to the police.

According to Chinese daily Huanqiu, the couple returned the seat to the hotel when they arrived at their next destination, Mt. Fuji. They also attached an apology letter with it.

Image via Huanqiu

"I hope the hotel and local travel agency can treat this with leniency. I promise this behaviour won't happen again," part of the statement reads.

Japanese toilet seats are known for having many functions and interesting designs

Image via Carbonated TV

Apparently, these Japan-made toilets seats are becoming a sign of wealth in China.

Hopefully the toilet seat wasn't made in China...

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