
Cipto Junaedy Strategy

Cipto Junaedy emphasizes that people could own property without a debt that is not pierced themselves with many debts , he also teaches how to get the debt paid off right away so fast . His book had to be reprinted many times in a short period of time . He has changed a lot of people from different backgrounds ; both of artisan meatballs , housewives , nurses , traders , entrepreneurs , developers , store owners , employees , exporters , property investors , owners Bimbel , directors , so they can have a lot of property and the minimum number of children out of debt . Cipto Junaedy also gives seminars in Singapore , teaches how to buy property in Singapore without money . Although there are a number of parties who have and trying to take action against plagiarism and book creation seminar , he remains committed to continue to share their knowledge in order to be practiced by many people , irrespective of human feelings that as a writer and speaker , he also experienced the bitterness of the liver due to plagiarism still rampant in Indonesia . Cipto Junaedy is also the father of three was on a mission : every man has a property of at least some of their children , and teach family responsibilities . Cipto Junaedy with Scholastic Press & Java Post on June 7, 2010 give Rope Love as 1 unit house to the widow of the late Brigadier -Boas Woisiri who died from the disaster in Aceh , and Tali Love Money worth the widow of the late House Prices . Rudiman and Sutikno , education department employee who died when the unfortunate robbery took sekecamatan teacher salaries . Cipto Junaedy give Tali love her for the second time on January 30, 2011 . Tali Kasih form of money given to the family house valued at Merapi disaster victims who left his wife and young children who are the family of the deceased and Jupriyanto Volunteer Journalist Yuniawan Wahyu Nugroho . They are dead in Merapi disaster victims . The new home would be a dream and the desire of each family ideal . However, if these conditions are not possible, it never hurts to buy a house as residential resale . There are several things that should be considered when buying a resale home , not just the physical building , the location of the house also determine the price . Buying a resale home can be a strategic consideration in meeting the needs of the board on this one . Location factors can be determined from the type of occupancy , in housing or communal settlements . Both have their own plus - minus . When viewed in terms of price , the more predictable in the housing market and the price is relatively more expensive . In contrast , house prices in communal settlements specified owner and much cheaper . It's great when compared with the same homes and wide . To purchase through a mortgage , residential location was preferred by the bank . It is a consideration of its own for those who apply for a mortgage . In addition , other factors such as the location of the access and close proximity to the city center or business . Both in the housing and communal settlements , often used as a type of this location attractiveness homeowners , so the price becomes more competitive . In buying a resale home extra precision is needed , because not only talking about the complete document . But it also should examine the physical part of the building and the surrounding environment . If you have decided the location , it would not hurt to also check the surrounding environment . Try to come up a few times at peak hours , weekends and holidays . How environmental conditions , and access to other locations . If all of these things have been done and you steady buy the house , then the price offered after negotiations be worth considering . Here are some points to consider when buying a resale home : a. Buy direct from the owner . By buying directly from the owner , we can determine the condition of the house more details , documents , and price . b . Through brokers . This is if the targeted houses already use the services of intermediaries . It never hurts to mememanfaatkan broker when it is easy . Brokerage services are usually experienced and reputable help us in filing the mortgage . c . Physical check of the building . Conditions of resale homes are not necessarily in a good condition . You can ask the age of the building owner or broker , can also be seen from the local building permit issuance . The older age of the building , there is a decrease in durability . This means we have prepared also fund renovations . d . Check the document . Check the authenticity of documents such as certificates of land , IMB , and the United Nations . Make sure also if the house was not the first owner , the heir and the other must be known . If ever bought and sold , the deed of sale must also be investigated again .

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Beli property tanpa utang

Apa kabar sobat warung ide...? saya harap sobat semua dalam keadaan sehat walafiat tanpa kurang sat...

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Cipto Junaedy

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