
[NEW UPDATE] Dhamendran's Death: Fourth Cop Surrenders After Six Weeks

On the 22nd of May 2013, N Dhamendran, who was arrested and in police custody due to a fight on May 11, was found dead at Hospital Kuala Lumpur with bruises all over and staples in both his ears. Inspector Kamarul Rizal confirmed that Dhamendran died in police custody, igniting allegations that this is the worst case of police brutality. "Follow this story" as it unfolds.

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Fourth cop surrenders, charged for murder

After six weeks in hiding, the police inspector implicated in the murder of N Dhamendran while in custody, surrendered to the police.

S Hare Krishnan, the police officer sought in connection with the custodial death of N Dharmendran surrendered at the Bukit Aman police headquarters at 10.30am and was later brought to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters at 11am to have his statement recorded.

Insp S. Hare Krishnan was charged in a Magistrate's Court on Tuesday for causing the death of N. Dharmendran on May 21 at the Special Investigations office in the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters. The offense under section 302 of the penal code carries the death penalty, if convicted.

Hare Krishnan only nodded indicating he understood the charge. No plea was recorded.

"If he knew the people involved, why did he wait two months before coming out to say it? If he is truly innocent, he would have told me immediately after my husband died," the victim's wife shouted.

Fourth cop says he was set up to protect certain parties

A suspect in the N. Dhamendran custodial death is protesting his innocence claiming he was dragged into the case to “protect certain parties".

In a copy of June 1 police report, Hare claimed he had been told to free Dhamendran temporarily on May 21, before learning other officers had allegedly impersonated him and rearrested the suspect. “Officers made the arrest report using my PRS ID without my approval"

In his police report, Hare Krishnan claimed to have received instruction from his superior officer on May 21 to “release and re-arrest” Darmendran while he was having lunch at a restaurant in Cheras after attending to a case.

“All the entries of me in the lockup diary are untrue and were done to implicate me and protect certain parties,” the report reads.
The police officer added that he had no part in “beating” Dhamendran but claimed to have knowledge of the guilty party.

The fourth cop wanted for Dharmendran's death is now on the wanted list

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The officer is identified as Inspector Hare Krishnan a/l K. Subramaniam (pic) from the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters criminal investigation department.

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After a month of public pressure to release details of the police officer wanted in connection with the murder of detainee N. Dharmendran, Kuala Lumpur police today released the suspect's photograph and particulars on their Facebook page.

According to Senior Asst Comm Datuk Ku Chin Wah, the head of Kuala Lumpur criminal investigation department (CID), an officer named as Inspector Hare Krishnan Subramaniam has been put on administrative leave since June 15 in relation to the killing.

In a statement released this evening, KL CID chief Datuk Ku Chin Wah urged those with information on the fugitive cop to inform the nearest police station or SMS the KL police at 32728.

Khalid said, "We have given him enough time to come forward. We are done with that now. His picture will be published in our website under the wanted list."

Zahid Hamidi says not all custody deaths are due to police violence

Zahid Hamidi says not all custody deaths are due to police violence

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Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi hari ini menolak dakwaan mengatakan kebanyakkan kematian dalam tahanan berpunca daripada keganasan polis, sebaliknya menegaskan ia disebabkan oleh penyakit yang dihidapi oleh tahanan.

"Death which we suspect was caused by police are only two.

“The rest is deaths from other causes. In this matter, perception must change. 196 that died are from diseases. Is this brutality?" he added.

Menurut Ahmad Zahid, rekod kematian daripada tahun 2000 hingga Mei 2013 adalah sebanyak 231 keseluruhan dan hanya dua kematian yang dicatatkan adalah berpunca daripada pihak polis.

Inspector charged for Dhamendran's murder is still missing after 2 weeks

The inspector's leave ended two Mondays ago, on June 13, but he did not report in. His handphone went unanswered. His girlfriend told the police she had no clue where he was.

The inspector from the Kuala Lumpur serious crimes division has not returned from Sarawak, after taking leave to attend the Gawai festival there three weeks ago. Federal CID director Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah said: "We are trying to trace his whereabouts."

Police suspect he is still in the country and have launched a manhunt.

CID director says no cover-up

There is no cover-up in the custodial death of N. Dhamendran, CID director Comm Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah says.

Federal police CID director Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah said claims by Dhamendran's family that Kuala Lumpur police had attempted to cover-up the case in a statement that the suspect had died of breathing difficulties was baseless and taken out of context.

He said city CID chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Ku Chin Wah had complied with all procedures in handling the case and did not attempt to hide anything.

Hadi clarified that what Ku had told reporters in a press conference was based on the initial report lodged by the lock-up police personnel soon after Dhamendran's death.

He said Ku went on to say that the initial findings was not final and only a post mortem and other forensics protocol will determine the actual cause of death of the 32-year-old detainee before the case is classified accordingly.

"After the post mortem report was released to police by the Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Ku called me and it was he who told me that the case will have to be classified as murder based on the findings of pathologists.

Ku also recommended that the case should be investigated by Bukit Aman in all fairness to the family. I agreed with him. Three policemen have been charged for murder. So how can they say he was attempting to cover up the case. " Hadi told theSun.

Dhamendran's family says KL CID chief covered up the murder

N. Dhamendran’s family lodged a disciplinary complaint today against Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department (CID) chief SAC Datuk Ku Chin Wah for allegedly covering up the detainee’s death.

A subsequent government post-mortem, revealed that the 32-year-old former lorry driver was beaten to death while in police custody last month, leading to murder charges against three police officers, with another accused still at large.

“Kita mahu polis menyiasat mengapa dia menipu dan cuba untuk menutup kes pembunuhan itu,” kata peguam keluarga Dhamendran G. Sivamalar kepada pemberita di ibu pejabat polis Bukit Aman di sini hari ini.

Beliau menambah Ku tidak sepatutnya bercakap tentang sebab kematian Dhamendran sebelum autopsi selesai.

Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) to investigate police custody deaths

The Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) has named the panel members of the task force established to investigate two deaths in police custody.

The commission had announced the setting up of the task force on June 5 to look into the deaths of both N. Dharmendran and R. James Ramesh who died in May 21 (Kuala Lumpur) and May 26 (Penang), respectively.

EAIC chairman Datuk Heliliah Mohd Yusof said she would be acting as the supervisor for the task force and the panel comprises of five other commission members and also two independent consultants.

"The two consultants that will be assisting the task force are former Deputy Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Mohd Jamil Johari and former Malaysian Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee," she said during a press conference today.

Heliliah, a former solicitor-general, said however that the task force's focus will not only be on the "bad points" but also the defensible points in the SOPs.

She gave an assurance that the task force will look into the issue in a holistic manner and urged the people to have confidence and trust in them.

Three policemen charged with murder with joint intent

Three police personnel were charged in a magistrate's court in Kuala Lumpur today with the murder of N Dhamendran while he was being held in their custody.

The three policemen were charged under section 302 of the Penal Code with committing murder with joint intent, together with another who is still at large, by causing the death of Darmendran Narayanasamy.

Sjn Jaffri Jaafar, 44, Kpl Mohd Nahar Abd Rahman, 45, and Kpl Mohd Haswadi Zamri Shaari, 32 along with another policeman still at large are accused of colluding over the murder of Dhamendran, who was being investigated in a shooting incident.

The trio, were charged under Section 302 of the Penal Code, for causing Dharmendran’s death, together with another person who is still at large.
The charge carries the death penalty upon conviction.

When met outside the courtroom, Dhamendran’s widow M. Marry said she was “satisfied”. “I hope other families will not have to experience this like me. I hope it will not happen to others”.
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Policemen involved with Dhamendran's death to be charged today

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The policemen who were involved in the death of N. Dhamendran in the lock-up of the Kuala Lumpur police contingent headquarters will be charged with murder this afternoon.

“Based on the evidence gathered through the investigation, I have decided to proffer a murder charge under Section 302 of the Penal Code against the police personnel involved,” Abdul Gani was quoted as saying.

He said the dedicated task force established by the Inspector-General of Police to investigate the matter completed its investigation and submitted the relevant investigation papers to the A-G's Chambers on Monday.

The statement did not specify the number of cops to be charged or their ranks.

Four policemen suspended

File photo of family members and friends mourning at Dharmendran’s funeral in Kuala Lumpur last month. A government hospital autopsy showed Dharmendran had died as the result of multiple beatings he received in a police lock-up. Photo from The Malaysian Insider.

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"Ya, ia sedang dilakukan," katanya bagi mengesahkan bahawa empat pegawai polis akan digantung daripada menjalankan tugas.

The Home Ministry has ordered the suspension of the four policemen implicated in the death in custody of N. Dhamendran, while a high-powered investigating committee led by the Inspector-General of Police himself is probing the matter.

Ahmad Zahid said the government viewed this matter seriously, hence the IGP himself and not any other senior police officer was heading the special committee investigating the custodial deaths.

The four policemen implicated in Dhamendran's death had earlier been re-assigned to desk duties pending the completion of the probe into the case.

However, the move sparked public outrage, with various groups demanding for their immediate suspension

We are very concerned about the death of detainees in the police lock-ups. There’s no need to organise street protests and such (over the custodial deaths) as my deputy and I will give much attention to this issue,” Zahid Hamidi said.

Suspected cops put on suspension

The police officers under investigation for allegedly causing the death of N. Dharmendran are to be suspended from active duty, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi announced today, fully 13 days after the 32-year-old died under their watch in a city lock-up.

He said his ministry and the police would not compromise on any cases where individuals end up dead while in police detention.

"It is in the process," he said when asked about demands for the suspension of the officers who were on duty when Dharmendran died on May 21.

Aljazeera says only 4 out of 150 death in police custody cases have been subjected to coroners inquest

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Between 2000 and Feb 2011, 156 people died in detention

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30 May: Paul Low from PM's Office says it's all a misunderstanding. He just wanted to help.

Datuk Paul Low today disputed the harassment allegation against his office by the family of custodial death victim N. Dharmendran, saying what was meant to be an attempt at outreach was misunderstood as a government cover-up ploy.

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The newly-minted minister for human rights and integrity clarified his office’s intention for contacting the family yesterday, saying it was merely to explain that the government department was willing to work together with any party regardless of political affiliations.

Insisting that his intentions were good when his colleague contacted Dharmendran's family, he said his offer of assistance to seek justice had been misconstrued as an attempt to cover up the matter.

"I wanted to tell them that I would bring the matter up to the Cabinet, and I did, at our meeting on Wednesday," said Low at press conference here Thursday.

Low said his office had further spoken to PKR vice-president R. Sivarasa yesterday to clarify that his ministry was willing to bridge the political divide.

It was reported that Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vice-president N. Surendran had claimed that the deceased’s father, G. Nagayarasamy, had received a call from Low's office, and the call was an indicator that the government intended to cover up the death.

29 May: Dhamendran's family claims harrassment; wife questioned at Bukit Aman

The family of N. Dhamendran, who died in police lock-up, is claiming harassment by the police and Prime Minister's Department. However, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Paul Low has denied the allegation.

Dhamendran's father V. Narayanasamy, 59, alleged Wednesday that he received calls from a man claiming to be from the Prime Minister's Department on two occasions.

PKR VP & lawyer N Surendran said at this morning's press conference, "They received a call from Mr Ravendran from the PMO who told Nagayarasamy that he wanted to meet to talk about the death and not to inform the lawyers and meet secretly."

“There is an attempt to interfere by asking the family to disengage with their lawyers. This is clearly an attempt to cover up the case,” the PKR vice president said.

“We want an explanation from the prime minister. Why is the family harassed? Why have the police taken statement from the wife, the family and even the lawyers? What have they got to do with the case? Stop playing this delaying tactics."
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FMT says the police are accused of delaying the murder investigation

The police have been accused of delaying the murder investigation concerning N Dharmendran, who died recently in police custody.

Expressing disappointment and anger over this, the family’s lawyer N Surendran said the deceased’s wife M Marry, 26, has also refused to remove her “thali” until the perpetrators are charged.

Surendran said “I blame the government and the police for this delay, only they have the powers and details to take action on the perpetrators, yet they don’t put their sources to proper use" The police and government have never shown interest in cases involving police brutality .

Another lawyer for the family, Latheefa Koya also agreed that the police were delaying the investigation process on purpose as they should have all the necessary details by now.
“It’s clearly a delaying tactic. They can easily identify the perpetrators as they have all the details.

PKR human rights deputy chief S Jayathas says act now or face Bukit Aman rally

PKR human rights deputy chief S Jayathas told FMT that the police had no excuse to avoid taking action against the perpetrators after classifying the case under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder.

“We urge them to immediately make arrest or else we would hold a major rally at Bukit Aman,” he added.

Jayathas said today that PKR would not fix a timeline for the police to act, but stressed it must be done as soon as possible.

Detainee's wife lodges police report on his death

The wife of 32-year-old N. Dharmendran who died while being detained in a lockup at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters on Tuesday has lodged a police report on his death.

Dang Wangi police chief ACP Zainuddin Ahmad said Marry a/p Mariay Susay, accompanied by about 30 family members and the deceased’s friends arrived at the station at 11am today.

In a media statement, he said police were forced to tighten security and prevented the whole group from entering all at once to reduce the congestion at the enquiries counter as there were also other members of the public who were in the premises for their respective purposes.

Gerakan Youth says conduct independent inquest immediately

Gerakan Youth wants an independent inquest to be held into the death of N. Dharmendran, who died in police custody in Kuala Lumpur recently.

Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang said the inquest could be held pending the police investigations into the case.

The inquest will be one of public importance since such an incident (death while in police custody), will tarnish public confidence in the police force. The inquest should be held immediately because any delay would affect public per-ception about the Barisan Nasional Govern-ment,” he added.

KL police chief says post mortem shows elements of crime

KL police chief says post mortem shows elements of crime

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City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Mohmad Salleh said post-mortem results revealed the victim might have been murdered while in police custody at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters.

Elements of crime were found in the death of a detainee at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters lock up last Tuesday, Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Mohmad Salleh said today.

"A post mortem report this evening revealed that there were elements of crime related to the death of the detainee," he said. The case has been referred to Bukit Aman and classified under Section 302 of the Penal Code, he added.

City CID chief Datuk Ku Chin Wah had said that in the 9pm incident, the man had complained of chest pains before being brought to the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

He had also said that the 32-year-old man was one of four suspects arrested in connection with a shooting case in Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras on May 11.

Surendran, who is also PKR vice-president, said Dharmendran's family would not give up until they find out what had caused his death.

Convicted criminal N Darmindran dies in police custody

Convicted criminal N Darmindran dies in police custody

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N Darmindran, 32, was arrested on May 19 following a fight and that was the last the family had seen him alive. His father believes that his son may have been beaten to death.

An anguished father suspects that his 32-year-old son was beaten to death while in police custody. The deceased, Darmindran, who used to work with Indah Water, was married and has a two-year-old child.

The Indah water employee was covered in bruises, his ears were stapled

His remains were covered in bruises and both his ears were stapled. This was the dreadful sight that greeted the family of N Darmindran at Hospital Kuala Lumpur this afternoon.

“It was bad enough that his family saw him in this battered state… what made it worse was that we found staples on both his ears with blood stains all around them.” added the Padang Serai MP.

Lawyer G Sivamalar said "we are living in Malaysia, a so-called democratic country and it is a basic liberty of a family to see the son’s body, the husband’s body”.

Victim's family say police betrayed their trust

“We met him on Sunday (May 19). he was fine. I was told that he would be out on bail on Tuesday,” said Narayanasamy.

“We met him on Sunday. he was fine. I was told that he would be out on bail on Tuesday. I wanted to hire a lawyer but the police said it was unnecessary since it was just a fight and my son would be out on police or court bail.

Lawyer G Sivamalar who was with the family last night said that Darmindran’s wife received a call from an unknown person yesterday.

“The caller did not identify himself. He just said, and I quote, “Your husband has asthma. Maybe he is dead. Please check in HKL,” she added.

PKR vice-president N Surendran says this is the worst case of police brutality

“The family doesn’t want a cover up, the police have to be honest. First, all the police officers involved in Darmindran’s arrest and interrogation must be detained,” he said.

“The Minister of Home Affairs Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and the police must explain the staples found on the victim’s ears and classify this case as murder immediately,” he added.

N Darmindran was arrested for May 12 Bandar Tun Razak shooting

N Darmindran was arrested for May 12 Bandar Tun Razak shooting

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Two men were shot following an argument at a restaurant near Bandar Tun Razak here.

Sources revealed the men, both 29, believed to be intoxicated, got into an argument with a group of people at the restaurant located along Jalan Budiman 19 at about 7.30pm on Saturday.

The rest of the group however gave chase with one of them, armed with a pistol, firing several shots at the victims after fleeing for about 600 metres. Police also found a pistol, a parang and two spent bullets at the scene.

Police have arrested four men in connection with the shooting of two men near a restaurant at Jalan Budiman, Bandar Tun Razak, here, recently.

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