Did You Know You Could Use Your Phone To Make A Positive Change In The World?
Doing what matters!
Do you know what Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas and Shawn Mendes have in common (apart from the fact that they are celebrities)?
They are part of a movement of young people leading global change through a first-of-its-kind digital platform for social good
It's called We365. It's a digital community that helps users bring about a positive change in the world, every day of the year.
We365, a mobile app and social movement platform, sets up challenges that you can complete to bring attention to and fundraise for the causes that matter most and make a change in the world. For example, you can shave your head to raise money for cancer research or eat hot peppers to raise awareness for global warning.
We365 is being supported by an international charity and youth movement called Free The Children, driving awareness for the betterment of millions of starving children in third world countries
The organisation, Free the Children, originally used the motto, "children helping children". As per it's Wikipedia page, it specialises in sustainable development in the countries of Ecuador, Ghana, Haiti, Kenya, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, India and rural China.
The organisation runs educational programs and campaigns in developed countries, with the aim of empowering youth to become socially engaged.
Did you know that while on one hand the world produces enough food to feed every single person on earth, on the other there are more than 70% of malnourished children living in Asia alone?
Schoolchildren eating a free school lunch in Bangalore, India.
Image via Agence France-Presse/Getty ImagesDownload the We365 app. Why? Because for every single download and sign up, Free The Children will provide goats that give back to families in developing countries. Watch their PSA: