
Drunk Man Strips And Threatens To Fight Waiter After Refusing To Pay For Klang Bak Kut Teh

He also attempted a few kung fu moves.

Cover image via 我们是马来西亚人 We are Malaysians/Facebook

A man, believed to be intoxicated, was recently caught on CCTV threatening to fight a waiter in Klang

The incident occurred at a bak kut teh restaurant in Taman Klang Utama at around 8am on 25 May. 

CCTV footage of the man's actions has since gone viral on Facebook. 

The man could be seen ordering bak kut teh for takeaway prior to the incident

However, as he received his order, the intoxicated man attempted to leave the restaurant without paying for the food

After being stopped by the cashier and a waiter, the man apparently started raising his voice at the restaurant's employees. 

He proceeded to take off his shirt and threatened to fight the waiter

Amidst moments of raising a chair to throw at the waiter, the man was also caught attempting a few Kung Fu moves.

The waiter could be seen avoiding the man's moves while insisting for him to pay for the food.

The man eventually walked away with the bak kut teh, while the waiter could be seen calling someone for help

However, at the time of writing, it remains unknown if the restaurant had lodged a police report over the incident.

You can watch the video of the incident here:

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