
[FACT OR FAKE #98] Can Tornadoes Happen Underwater Or Suck Up Rainbows?

Earlier this week, couple of incredible tornado photos made rounds of the Internet, each claiming, separately, that tornadoes happen underwater and that they also suck up rainbows. So are they claiming the truth? Your loyal FACT OR FAKE columnist is here to analysis the claims!

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On 10 March, a wildly popular Twitter account called World and Science posted this photo an "underwater tornado"

Violently rotating columns of air that are in contact with both the surface of the earth and clouds; often referred to as twisters or cyclones, tornadoes come in various types including landspout, multiple vortex, and waterspout. But do they occur underwater?

Sadly, they don't! As pointed out by another Twitter account called PicPedant, the above photo is actually "just the vortex of a passing wave, shot from underwater," as described by the guy who shot it.

So what about tornadoes sucking up rainbows? As this BuzzFeed GIF shows, several of prominent Twitter account have posted it:

Image via

Most of those posting the above photo claims that a guy in Arizona took this picture in March, 2013. They have even given it names like "Rainado" and "Tornabow".

Regardless of how much we want it to be true, sadly, this, too, is a fake. It's actually a Photoshop manipulation by Corey Cowan!

Image via Corey Cowan

There are more such images that keep fooling the gullible corners of the Internet. We have made sure that you do not fall for them:

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