
Father Who Slammed His 4-Month-Old Son On The Floor Jailed For 10 Years

A KL Sessions Court found him guilty of attempted murder.

Cover image via Mohamad Shahril Badri Saali/NST Online

The world is filled with monsters but even a monster wouldn't do to its own child what a 29-year-old father did to his infant boy in Chow Kit last year in November

The father, Mohd Amri Ismail, had slammed the four-month-old baby to the floor in a fit of rage because he could not put up with his cries.

The assault, which rendered the baby unconscious and he fell into a coma, took place in a rented room in Lorong Haji Taib, Chow Kit, at 7.30pm on 4 November.

The unemployed father was sentenced to 10 years' jail by the Sessions Court in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 9 March

However, before passing the sentence, when the judge asked: "Do you realise that your action will cause your son to die?"

The 29-year-old, clad in blue T-shirt and jeans, casually replied: "I'm aware."

The father's horrendous action came to light only after the baby was taken to hospital by his adoptive mother

At the hospital, a CT scan showed that the boy suffered from the intracranial bleeding. A doctor, who suspected the baby had been abused, then lodged a police report.

During the sentencing, while the father pleaded guilty before judge Zaman Mohd Noor, he appealed for a lighter sentence, saying "I regret doing that to my son"

However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Amira Sariaty Zainal asked the court to impose a deterrent sentence, arguing that the offence was serious and it involved the father's biological child. She also urged the judge to consider the victim's condition when he was taken to the hospital, reported the NST Online.

"The baby was already unconscious when he was taken to the hospital, and if he had not been rushed to the hospital immediately he could have died.

"As a father, it is the accused's responsibility to care for the child. A stiff sentence should be imposed as such cases have been increasing," said the prosecutor.

The Sessions Court Judge, Zaman Mohd Noor, ordered the jail term to run from the date of his arrest on 5 November

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