
The Hero Dog Who Lost Half Its Face Saving 2 Girls

This dog, disfigured yet adorable in her own ways, has more honourary titles than the average person. The residents of Zamboangga City in Philippines gave a hero's welcome to the internationally-famous dog Kabang upon returning from her eight-month reconstructive surgery in the United States.

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Meet Kabang, the hero dog who lost its snout saving her owner's daughters

A shepherd-mix who lost her snout saving two girls returned on Sunday to her owner's home in the southern Philippines after eight months of veterinary

Kabang, the heroic dog

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Kabang plays with other dogs like nothing happened.

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Kabang remains lively even after accident.

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Kabang playing with Rudy Banggal, her owner.

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Is there still hope for Kabang?

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A mongrel named Kabang won celebrity status when she jumped in front of a speeding motorcycle to save her owner's young daughter and niece, but lost her upper jaw in the process.

Kabang, the heroic dog

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The horrific accident occurred in December 2011 when the daughter of Kabang’s owner, nine-year-old Dina Bunggal, and her cousin three-year old Princess Diansing, were playing with the dog.

Kabang’s face became tangled in the spokes of the bike’s wheel, and her entire upper jaw was torn off.

Kabang's owner Rudy Banggal admitted that they were planning to cook Kabang days before. However, the incident changed their dog-eating days.

Kabang became a celebrity and a symbol of unconditional love

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The hero dog becomes a celebrity

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One of the girls said that without Kabang, “Maybe I will not be alive today.” Kabang has become a symbol of “unconditional love.”

Kabang received "Animal Hero" award from the international humanitarian organization Red Cross .

Philippine hero dog Kabang has been named as one of the world's top 10 heroic canines for 2012.

Kabang ranked sixth in the list, which was part of Yahoo!’s “2012 Year in Review.” The dog was cited for her “good deeds.”

Kabang, the hero dog, has not only changed some Americans' perception of the Philippines as a dog-eating country, but will bring honor as a hero in America.

She was sent to the US to undergo reconstructive surgery

Philippine hero dog Kabang underwent facial reconstructive surgery at the University of California-Davis in the United States to prevent infection on her gaping wound.

Kabang's open wound requires maxilla facial specialty surgery to restore function and properly close the wounds.

She underwent reconstructive procedures to remove two upper teeth, reconstruct one eyelid, and eventually close her facial wound with skin flaps.

Doctors had to first treat her for other ailments, including a tumour and heartworm, to ensure her wounds would heal. They took skin from her cheeks, neck, and forehead to cover up sensitive areas that were exposed on her face during surgery.
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Hero's welcome awaited now famous dog Kabang in Philippines

Hero's welcome awaited now famous dog Kabang in Philippines

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Kabang, sent to the US to undergo surgery

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A shepherd-mix who lost her snout saving two girls returned today to her owner’s home in the southern Philippines after eight months of veterinary treatment in the United States, earning a new title as “dog ambassador of goodwill”.

The residents of Zamboangga City will be giving a hero's welcome to the now internationally-famous dog Kabang, who arrived in the Philippines on Saturday after her eight-month treatment in the United States.

On Saturday, two-year-old Kabang, her tail wagging, faced television cameras and fans at Manila International airport and toured a nearby upscale shopping mall and park frequented by dog lovers. She was an instant star.

“What we want is to make her an ambassador of dog good will, and to promote responsible pet ownership,” said Anton Lim, a veterinarian who accompanied Kabang to the University of California in Davis for surgery.

"What we see here - she saved two lives, so the whole world actually came together to save her."

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