
Gurmit Singh's Daughter Slams Forever 21 For Playing Sexist Music

17-year-old Gabrielle Singh wrote an open letter to Forever 21 lambasting their choice of music being played in one of its Singaporean stores, calling it "disgusting" and "derogative".

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An open letter to Forever 21 written by Gabrielle Singh, the 17-year-old daughter of Singaporean actor Gurmit Singh (Phua Chu Kang), had gone viral after her father shared it on his Facebook page

Gurmit shared the letter along with the following note on his Facebook page: "Can someone pass this to person in charge in Forever 21. The manager may feel free to contact me. I am waiting." The post has been removed, following Forever 21's response to the letter.

In the letter, Gabrielle expressed her decision to boycott Forever 21 and berated one of the brand's stores for playing rap music with derogative lyrics, calling it "disgusting", "condoning of abuse towards women", and "explicit in descriptions of sexual endeavours"

She notes that Forever 21 is a brand that caters to young girls and women, hence why it is not at all appropriate for the store to play music with "horribly misogynistic, uncensored, woman-shaming, woman-blaming lyrics" as they are "damaging"

Originally e-mailed to the store's management, Gabrielle ultimately decided to publish the letter online because she felt that the issue does not only involve Forever 21, but other brands as well. She also stresses on the damaging effects such explicit lyrics could have on young girls.

Forever 21 has sinced reached out and apologised for the music. While Gurmit had removed his FB post, Gabrielle decided to retain her post to remind readers that misogyny is still a prevailing issue in society

Many readers agreed with her and praised her boldness in pointing out the sexist nature of rap music

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An online poll in The Straits Times showed that a majority of its readers agreed with her actions

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However, there are some who are less receptive of her sentiments, calling her a "deluded rabid feminist" and criticizing her for being "hypersensitive" and "uptight" for boycotting the brand

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You can read the entire post here

As of late, the modern feminist movement has been gaining considerable momentum as the focus shifts to championing for gender equality. Read what feminists worldwide, including Emma Watson, are doing to further the cause HERE:

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