Hadi Awang Asks Non-Muslims Why They Can Accept Communism But Not Support PAS
The PAS president also thinks that an Islamic party can save Malaysia.
PAS premier Hadi Awang tells non-Muslims, "don't fear Islam", embrace PAS
In pitching this proposal to non-Muslims, Abdul Hadi said they should not fear Islam and noted how communism was embraced by the Chinese and Indians.
"(But) there were Chinese, Indians who fought for the communists, entered the jungle until they were thin, (and even) consumed grass...," he was quoted as saying by the PAS website.
"If non-Muslims can accept the communist ideology, from Karl Marx... Karl Marx is not a Chinese, not an Indian, he was a German Jew.
Similarly, he said the people accepted BN, MCA and MIC which promotes capitalism, an ideology pioneered by the Englishman Adam Smith.
As for the Malays, Abdul Hadi said if they are not with PAS, they are with UMNO and vice-versa.

Commenting on how UMNO has been a part of the ruling party since the independence era, Hadi thinks that Islam in the name of PAS, can be the saviour of Malaysia
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak
Image via Straits Times/ The StarPAS president Abdul Hadi Awang believes that after more than five decades of ruling the nation, UMNO should be given a rest.
The veteran politician said PAS should be allowed to govern with a brand of Islam that would rescue Malaysia.
Abdul Hadi said if PAS is allowed to establish an Islamic governance, there would be no such thing as the 1MDB imbroglio or other scandals.

Having equated a school of thought that fights against social classes and private property ownership with a religious party, Hadi has been receiving heavy backlash from Malaysians on social networking sites
While most Malaysians think that there is a distinct difference between Communism and Islam, some think that the latter is a way of life, turning it into an ideology too
“AN-NISA 115: Those who oppose Allah’s teachings and become unbelievers will go to hell. Hadi, you seem to have challenged the teachings of the Al Quran, you are not a Muslim,” said one the commentators.
Most Malaysians have expressed their utter dissatisfaction over the thought of implementing Communism or a religious party ruling Malaysia.
Communism was popularised in the early 20th century when Russia was forced to adopt the concept due to the harsh living conditions under the royalty of Russia, the infamous Tsars of Russia
The idea of communism came from two Germans, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who wrote the book titled "The Communist Manifesto" in 1848.
Communism basically believes in abolishing social classes, eliminating the ruling class and ownership of private properties. A communist nation would focus more towards the betterment of the society than individuals.
In the spirit of upholding justice in the country, Hadi has invited Malaysians to march with PAS for the Himpunan 60 Ribu (H60K), to be held on 17 October in Kota Bharu
PAS welcomes anyone to attend their Himpunan 60 Ribu (H60K) rally, following the red shirt rally frontman Jamal Md Yunos' remark that they are considering joining their rally on Oct 17 in Kota Bharu.
"We welcome anyone who shares the national agenda of calling for a transparent government and not to keep silent on any corruption in the country.
Tuan Ibrahim insisted, however, that the Islamic party is against racism and supports national harmony.
On Sept 15, PAS had announced their H60K rally to be held at Stadium Sultan Muhamad IV, Kota Baru, to garner support from their grassroots again.