
"Hurts To See This Normalised" — Man Sorry For Nurse Working With A Drip On Her Hand

"'Why didn't you take a day off to rest?' I asked her, and she replied, 'Not enough staff.'"

Cover image via Chun Guan (Facebook) & Aswadi Alias/Berita Harian

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A hospital visitor was recently surprised to find a nurse at Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) working with a drip attached to her hand

The visitor, Chun Guan, took to his Facebook page to share a photo of the nurse as well as the short conversation they had.

"While waiting for a letter from the doctor, I saw her at the desk.

"I asked her, 'Miss, why are you on a drip?'

"'I'm not too well,' she said with a shy smile.

"'Why didn't you take a day off to rest?'

"'Not enough staff,' she said, smiling again," Chun Guan recounted.

He learnt that the nurse is from Terengganu and would only be able to balik kampung to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri with her family next year.

Chun Guan also said he felt sorry for the nurse when he took the photo on Monday, 24 April, which was a Hari Raya public holiday

"She's a nurse at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital who is taking a drip while on duty," he wrote.

"I have heard of understaffing issues in the medical sector, be it private or government, for some time now, but this is the first time I understand how serious the problem is," he also told SAYS.

"The nurse with a drip on her hand really shocked me, and it seemed like a normal day to her. It made me think maybe this is not the first time she's doing this or she's not the first one who works when sick.

"It hurts to see this scenario become normalised for them," he added.

He also said that he had asked her permission to take a photo without showing her identity.

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Aswadi Alias/Berita Harian

The Facebook post has since garnered over 200 shares, with many netizens praising the nurse for her commitment and also expressing concern about the state of the healthcare system

"Seriously, I respect all the medical personnel very much. They study so hard in the past and dedicate themselves to save lives. No other words [to tell] them but thank you very much. They are the true angels," said a Facebook user.

Image via Facebook

"I'm a nurse as well. Yes, I, too, have gone to work while on a drip because I was sick but there was no one to replace me. My heart was completely broken because of my situation, but I couldn't do anything," shared a fellow nurse in a repost of the story on Twitter.

Image via Twitter

Meanwhile, another Twitter user said, "Allahuakbar, they carry out their duties well even though they are short-staffed. This is the meaning of sincerely serving the people, but this needs to stop."

"I hope more benefits can be provided to our healthcare staff, as well as fair pay can be given to the many others who work in this line."

Image via Twitter

A doctor claimed that some Malaysians send their parents to the hospital during the festive season to avoid taking care of them:

Meanwhile, other healthcare professionals have long been calling for better compensation in the public system:

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